Pah, try a fry up!Sounds like shit. Thank God I am an American so I don't have to eat that shit.
I chow on triple cheeseburgers, slushes and french fries.
...and that is just breakfast.
I've never had it because it's pretty much impossible to find here in the states,but a couple friends that I know had it(Vegimite,which is the same thing but just called Marmite in Europe) and they both say that it's pretty much and abomination and absolutely atrocious.I would like to try it though,just for the hell of it.
Marmite is another name for Vegemite and its a totally Australian product like the sausage roll and Arnott's. Its a sandwich spread made of yeast extract. I tasted it once before when I was in the land of down-under.
No, it's not. It is a yeast extract like vegemite, but is is different.
not up here in Canada I guess
what the fuck is it? :dunno: