I honestly can't understand why this bothers people and they hate even the thought.Michelle_Akemi said:I think it's great cuz love/sex can be beautiful no matter the color of your skin or you're home-country really.
Then again, sometimes people are so programmed by their environment, especially their parents, I have to take pity on them.
So I guess it's one thing not to like it (because maybe you don't like the pigmentation on a male and/or female lover), but another to be against it.
Especially when you like black-on-black, white-on-white, but not cross.
To me, it's humans enjoying each other, and many times I don't notice any difference.
Sure, sometimes there are the stereotypically white/black characterizations.
Yeah, sometimes I notice it IS a "big black cock" or there is a "curvy sista."
Or maybe it's a "big bottomed white girl" being banged by a black guy, the stereotypical what they like more.
But then again, it's all bullshit to me.
I've seen big white cocks (and small black ones), even I'm really wide and have a massive helmet (even if I'm not long).
I've had all sorts of curvy women (although I do have to say 1 "sista" did take the cake).
I can appreciate hourglass babes (especially big breasts on wide hips) so I must be an "Irish-American brotha."
And there are plenty of "big white guys" too.
It's kinda personal for me because I've had a few relationships with black women in my life, and I've been tortured by both races as a result.Michelle_Akemi said:But thinking of it as bad as gay sex, well that's either racist or that you don't want people from other races doing a girl from yours.
But I know that's just a subset of people, and have pity for their attitudes.
In fact, I'm the first one to rebuke someone who hears complaints about black-on-white as much as white-on-black.
All I know is that from the standpoint of basic genetics, God is laughing.
I mean, I believe in the "master race" (to use a common bigoted phrase for good) -- the concept that the more we mix, the fewer diseases we will be subseptible to.
Again, basic genetics actually ENCOURGES INTER-RACIAL MARRIAGES.