I don't like any male talent. To me they rage from anywhere from utter despisement to completely not caring about them. Not caring about them is about the best they can do, and there is only a small minority of them that fit into that category. Usually those are the handful of men out there that aren't complete douche bags that most women in the industry like. Most of them however I can't stand. A good portion of them I dislike so much that I refuse to buy anything with them in it just out of principle, which is most stuff nowadays because it will have at least one and probably more dumb asses in it. Some of them I despise to the point where if any women work with them I will boycott them forever after that (often to the point of not even watching anything free out there) even if there future work has nothing to do with them. To be honest a good portion of them I don’t like for how they are off screen. I can’t bring myself to support assholes or people that are just pathetic.
Men that don't automatically want to make me jump through the screen and kill them that I can think of off the top of my head: Tommy Gun, Randy Spears, Even Stone, Charles Dera, James Dean and a handful of others. Even they will have their moments where they need to shut up or want to make me skip a scene.
The people I totally despise of the top of my head: Kurk Lockwood, Nick Manning, Christian, Ben English, Roco Siffredi after he couldn’t keep from having too many asshole moments, pretty much 98% of the bald headed male talent out there, and there is a lot of them(That’s a good red flag for new woman that are getting in the industry. I swear the men in porn must have created an unofficial looser squad, and shaving their head must be part of the initiation into it, being gay and getting tattoos must often have someting to do with it also.), and many more. More than a few women I otherwise would have probably really liked or did really like I had to pass on because of these people.