Do you guys think my ex is a lesbian?

Sounds like you're a glutton for punishment. Whatever the answer is, you know deep down you're missing out on something. Either you're missing out on a slightly confused cute chick who digs sports, or a lesbian/bisexual cute chick who digs sports and other girls.

She probably accused you of being gay because you were being over-analytical, just like you are now. Quit with the 'I noticed' shit, and be up front.
She's just not into you.:(. She's sounds like she could be a good friend...Even a " good friend with benefits:thumbsup:"...but not a girlfriend. She's still trying to find out who she is... Until that happens, I would look elsewhere for love.
She kept accusing me of being gay, and it was getting really fucking annoying. So I called her a pussy licking bitch and she signed off on me. A few months later we made up again, and became friends.

^^^ [how fucking ghey!] ^^^

Amigo, denial is not a river in Egypt.
She becomes suicidal because of the two of you breaking up and your answer to this was dont speak to her? Real nice way to treat a person. No wonder she is a lesbian now

I know I did and said some things that were very unfriendly and hurtful to her. But she did she same to me. And there's no reason for her to cause self-harm no matter what the case.

What he said. & of course we are only hearing your version of events & none of us can possibly make an informed opinion. Anyway, why do you care?!? Why should we care?!?

Just leave her alone & let her live her life & you live yours. It seems like you can't get over her. :dunno:

I never said you guys should


I only read the thread title, but I'm 100% convinced she is.

BTW, why do you want to know if your ex is a lesbian? Why would she have dated you (I'm assuming you're a guy, otherwise you wouldn't have to ask if your ex is a lesbian, you would have known) if she were a lesbian? A girl that likes both boys and girls is bisexual, which isn't the same as a lesbian. Why ask us if she has feelings for girls instead of asking her? We don't know this girl and all we can base our opinion on is what you tell us (& You Might be a bit biased), so it's impossible for us to give you a decent answer!

next question please.

I want to know if she is a lesbian because I want her to be happy. I know that she has feeling for girls, obviously. I just want het to know that if she needs to be with a woman to be happy, that's fine. I could still be her friend even if she has a girlfriend.

Sounds like you're a glutton for punishment. Whatever the answer is, you know deep down you're missing out on something. Either you're missing out on a slightly confused cute chick who digs sports, or a lesbian/bisexual cute chick who digs sports and other girls.

She probably accused you of being gay because you were being over-analytical, just like you are now. Quit with the 'I noticed' shit, and be up front.

Probably right, dude.

^^^ [how fucking ghey!] ^^^

Amigo, denial is not a river in Egypt.

The Black Stream is, however.

this should have been the time you broke off any possible contact with her, lol

LoL, I get it..

She's your ex..why do you give shit what she is or what we think of her based on your description of the facts?

But just reading your were with the woman for years and never fucked ...err made love to her????

Did I read that right?

We were together for about 7 months...but it was off again/on again.