Do you give facials to girls?


Well I would assume when guys are on about it....Its all around the mouth, open mouth, tongue....shit give it a wee lick....

Otherwise that shit with it in the eyes or on her hair(fuck be as bad as bubblegum I'd imagine) doesnt do it for me......Now dont get me wrong sick of the pussy line always being towed about here(no offense guys you know who you are*)
All men like a bit of dominance and shit but that just isn't what I would equate to sexy......Like pinning her to the bed, ram rodding like fuck...Sticking a finger in her mouth for good measure....If thats degrading well fuck....lulz.

[End rant]

*I'm a nerdy pervert too but fuck be somewhat genuine. Its like fucking castration hour or something.
I don't think I've ever even done a facial in my private life. If you're going to be shooting your load anywhere near my head, please be a gentleman and shoot it straight down my throat. :)

wow, i always thought girls who do it on camera had n problem with it off the camera.
well i honestly would love to do that, its probably awesome (never have actually done it) but obviosily if the girl found it wrong i wouldn't
i have several times, but if the cums going in the face region it's far better, and hotter IMO, if most of it ends up in the mouth...
I wouldn't want cum all over my face so I doubt the girls I've been with would either. I've never asked a girl if I could or even hinted at it, and I'd only do it if she asked me to, which no girl I have ever been with has... I think facials really are kind of weird when you think about it.


Official Checked Star Member
I've never taken a facial that wasn't painful and caused semi lonterm irritation. Hence why I'm hesitant to do it again. Its alot less dangerous to take it on the tits or ass.


Closed Account
No, if I`m coming I want to come as far inside her as possible. I don`t like awtching facials in porn either. Women, much as I love them as equal humans, are made to be fucked.