Do you find this girl attractive?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Just copy and paste it into a new window/tab.
Just copy and paste it into a new window/tab.

Pretty good advice for a blonde. She don't look nice to me and that was before I saw her excessively hairy arm in the last picture, I got less hair on my arm.
The links work fine to me (Firefox).

The girl is very cute. She's a nice looking brunette. Is she a celeb or something? :dunno:
She's ok, not ugly but kinda reminds me of Rachel Ray :dunno: the arm is a lil too hairy for me, on a scale from 1 to 10 I'd give her a 6 Average
She is wayyyyy to hairy for me! bet she has some on her back like whats on her arm and she has a nice line of her going up to he belly button

Just turns it off for me noooooo thank you!!
