Do you ever get nostalgia, melancholy while playing some games?

I went to play Knights of the Old Republic the other day and it made me think back when I first bought it, why I bought it, the year it was, all that sort.

I had to turn it off because one: it reminded me of really good times in life, and two: at the time that game was huge for me. It was an excellent game and it is sole reason why I bought a Xbox.

Thing is, do you ever put in an old game, start playing it, and find yourself thinking back when you first played it and found yourself starting to think about other things that was going on at that time?

It kind of stinks. I love KOTOR but every time I go to play it and certain points in the game it triggers my memory bank.

What say you my fellow gamers?

It might not even be a video game. For me it is.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I got a flashback when I first reached Shadow Moses on MGS4. brought me back to late 1990's, when I first saw MGS1 at a friends place, ah, good times that was. I used to play that one game daily, non-stop, I was obsessed of it, but who can blame? It's a masterpiece, a reminder of when games were more than a franchise.
i started playing ocarina of time on my computer recently... god that takes me back to when i was a many good memories....although it does seem a whole lot easier the second time around.... still good though
Most SNES games take me back to when I was a kid especially Yoshi's island and Joe Montana Football and Fred Couples PGA tour on genesis take me back to when I was little and used to play video games with my grandpa.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Yoshi's great :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I spent a hundred dollars on Harvest Moon 64 just for the nostalgia I feel when I play it. That feeling is awesome.
Yeah, while playing Duck Hunt online to kill some time recently I was brought to old memories of pals I haven't seen in a long time. As for gaming memories, yep that's why I buy games I've just about past years before. :)
I had to buy FF7 just cause everytime I play the game I remember how my friends and I reacted to Sephiroth.
I got a flashback when I first reached Shadow Moses on MGS4. brought me back to late 1990's, when I first saw MGS1 at a friends place, ah, good times that was. I used to play that one game daily, non-stop, I was obsessed of it, but who can blame? It's a masterpiece, a reminder of when games were more than a franchise.

i was about to say the exact same thing! :glugglug:
Walking up that hill in the snow with 'The Best is Yet to Come' playing made me remember the first game I truly fell in love with. It was a great moment.
I used Knights of the Old Republic to help get over an ex-girlfriend. Playing it helped me not think about her leaving me to go back to her previous BF right after my birthday which is new years eve....I played that game for hours on end.....for close to 2 months. Ironic part is she got me the game an a Christmas present :rofl:
Playing the original X-com reminds me of the horrible port to PS1 that I played for hours on end and the NES version of Strider reminds me of hanging out with my best friend and playing through that game.... good times.