Uh... Uh... So who do youse guys think is going to win the World Series next year?
In residential areas, I take it easy. On the interstate, I admit, yeah.... I am that guy. I am sorry. But it's not my fault (doesn't matter what that last judge told me). I have an illness... a sickness... an addiction. I need help, not punishment. I deserve sympathy, understanding and pity, not scorn and finger-pointing (usually with the middle finger). Will you shed a tear for me? Will ya? Won't ya? :crying:
That didn't work, huh? Oh well. Just another example of sexism, if you ask me. My ex-fiancee ([NOBABE]Salma Hayek[/NOBABE] clone with 36D's) could get caught going 20 mph over the limit in a school zone and she'd just cry on command and sob just enough to make her boobs jiggle and she'd get let off with a warning. Me? I ended up having to go to court mandated driving school after being asked by a judge if I liked walking. Heading to VIR in the Spring for an advanced driving course though. Me at a racing school is better than a perv at the Bunny Ranch.