Do you care....

I'd rather catch some heat for being a virgin than lose it to some fat chick like most guys in my town do.

Depends on your Definition of fat. Frankly I like girls with a little bit of an ass to them.

But I agree. Though most of the people I know, we don't really talk about each other's sexual conquests. Being that I am part of a D&D group, they are few and far between anyway.

But to answer the question. I don't think it is a big deal as long as there is not a fun little "gift" she gives you in the form of burning or itching.
I'll wait until I die, go to my own planet, and have nearly limitless virgins waiting for me.

'Cause that's what I've been promised. I plan to collect.
Of course I care, if there's no blood by the end of it I stab the person I'm with for lying to me.

Or, if they're cute, I just beat them a little and save the rest for another time.
I don't care - besides, where are you going to find a virgin these days?

There are some out there that aren't hideously ugly or obese... Some closer to you than You Might think. I believe it's a great thing to maintain your virginity, and only give it to someone you truly care for. For some, it is a choice.

For me, it's one I do not regret whatsoever.


Official Checked Star Member
Thanx hun.. I know that i am trying to be the best.. but.. all am asking if thats a BIG DEAL! Like.. idk i just get jealous of not being the first... why!? :mad:

its NOT a big deal that she's fucked other guys before you. And like it was stated, she'll fuck guys AFTER you. Seriously, your time with her is limited if you're gonna be insecure and jealous simply because she has a past. Everyone has a past. You need to just get over and and enjoy her...there aren't many virgins out there, and I can guarantee that you likely won't ever BE with a virgin ever so its smart to just quit being jealous because if you don't, you're going to spend your entire life being jealous of the women you're with. Just shut off the jealousy switch, and stick it in her. Hard. :)
its NOT a big deal that she's fucked other guys before you. And like it was stated, she'll fuck guys AFTER you. Seriously, your time with her is limited if you're gonna be insecure and jealous simply because she has a past. Everyone has a past. You need to just get over and and enjoy her...there aren't many virgins out there, and I can guarantee that you likely won't ever BE with a virgin ever so its smart to just quit being jealous because if you don't, you're going to spend your entire life being jealous of the women you're with. Just shut off the jealousy switch, and stick it in her. Hard. :)

When someone gets with me, they will be with a virgin. For me, I would say that it matters, but not a whole lot. I feel like it really should only matter to someone like me. If I did have other sexual partners, it wouldn't matter at all unless she had an absolutely ridiculous number of partners. I'm pretty sure someone like SpexyAshleigh has had sex before. If we were to ever be in a position to have sex do you honestly think that fact would even remotely come in to play even with me???

Lemme help you out on this on...


I'd try my best to make it as special for her as it would be for me. No more, no less.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I don't need her virginity, the box it came in will be just fine.
Thanks, I'll be here all week! Try the veal. :hatsoff:


Never fucked a virgin and never will. Not cause I don't want one, but because they all lose it by the time they're legal...Even when I was younger never got to fuck a virgin :(

Meh so what....You really want to half those glorious 2 minutes...Till its like 1 minute!:rofl:
its NOT a big deal that she's fucked other guys before you. And like it was stated, she'll fuck guys AFTER you. Seriously, your time with her is limited if you're gonna be insecure and jealous simply because she has a past. Everyone has a past. You need to just get over and and enjoy her...there aren't many virgins out there, and I can guarantee that you likely won't ever BE with a virgin ever so its smart to just quit being jealous because if you don't, you're going to spend your entire life being jealous of the women you're with. Just shut off the jealousy switch, and stick it in her. Hard. :)

I know you are right hun. I just have to get that out of my chest. Its just that idk... i get jealous.. i know its normal to get jealous. But like... maybe its pride or something! :dunno:... She told me many things that she did with her past relationship and she says that am WAY BETTER than him! I wanna thanx everyone who has been supporting me and giving me advice! :nanner: i just need to talk this through! and u can still give me advice cause i know i need it!
Depends on your Definition of fat. Frankly I like girls with a little bit of an ass to them.

But I agree. Though most of the people I know, we don't really talk about each other's sexual conquests. Being that I am part of a D&D group, they are few and far between anyway.

But to answer the question. I don't think it is a big deal as long as there is not a fun little "gift" she gives you in the form of burning or itching.

I like girls with ass as well. There a few girls that some guys would call "fat" that I liked. But a lot of the guys in my neighborhood banged these Latina chicks who were really overweight and ate at Taco Bell and McDonald's like 3 times a week (this was in high school). So I meant I'd rather be a virgin that do it with some of these chicks.

And yeah, I'll definitely use a condom. :1orglaugh


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Virgins are hard to come by. Most of them are saving themselves for marriage so I say fuck that. :2 cents:

I'm not into virgins anyways.