Do you care about world events?

No not for me. Im too young for my voice to carry any weight in this world so fuck it
No. The "news" when it comes to world events is just about strife, conflict, religious atrocities, rising prices, and Justin Beiber. I'm sure all that shit constitutes only about 5% of everything going on.

I'm optimistic that the other 95% going on in the world is cool shit like people snowboarding, having ass-to-mouth sex, climbing mountains, making great music, smokin' good reefer, jumping motorcycles, and bangin' 7 gram rocks.

I don't care about world events because I know somewhere at all times, somebody's doing something incredibly fun and groundbreaking. fuck all the rest.

I find this amazing, considering the extremely vitriolic posts you make about political topics.
Well I have 2
bec I am in the spot of some of the major events
Middel east...egyptian tusnian lybian new crises....etc
and the normal neighbour crises Palstine and Israel crises
Iraq crises Iran criss........etc

So i have 2 and I am tryin to immegrate from this hot spot of th world
to a cool place maybe Canda or Swede
World events to at the time concern me, but i don't really worry about them to much, there's nothing i can do about them, so why worry.