Here's a tip for all of you who wanted to know: (keep in mind this is one girl's opinion)
As far as ladies are concerned, we are very bitchy and catty...I don't want to run into my lover's former partners. I hate it hate it hate it! I have a very deep deep sense of jealousy and can't stand thinking that she might, for an instant be thinking of that other girl when she's with me or comparing me to her. Its so bad it's debilitating :helpme: and I know it affects my relationships but I can't help it. I keep wondering about stuff they did and I get my stomach tied up in knots.
One fomer girlfriend of mine had an ex that lived in the same apt. complex and I have to say that every time I saw this girl I wanted to pull her hair out and knock a few teeth out of her pretty smile. :fight:
On the flip side when you're with me, and we are in sync I give so much to the relationship trying to impress that you won't have time to think about anyone else!
I guess mark me down for: cares too much about the other girl (occasional guy)! And tries too hard to overcompensate. My relationships tend to hit full throtle quickly, redline and then blow up. But I'm telling you your first few weeks or months with me and I will be the "other" that you compare all future partners with!