I do believe! I lived in New Orleans for 17 years and the Hotel I worked at had 2 Ghosts. One Black Female,one black male. They were servents to wealthy white "society" in 1919 when they were burned alive in the great "opera house fire" of 1919. Their owners had sent them back in after belongings and they perished.
The hotel was built on the site of the opera house and these spirits haunt the property. The Black female does not like white women at all and If one comes into the stoarage area that is her "home" she appears in whispy form pointing her finger at the invader and giving off a sent of decay. The Black male is almost a carbon copy except he ignores all women and messes with white men. He has a differnt stoarage area "home"
I have not seen the black female but I have seen the male. All new hires that fit the race critera are sent up to his "home". I pissed my pants when he appeared and the smell was horrible.
I believe