There are different cultures. They have their own
cultural identity
They also have their own genetics and diseases.
Jose Angel Gutierrez
Professor of political science and Director of the Mexican-American Studies Center at the University of Texas
Co-Founder of La Raza Unida (English: “The Race United”)
“Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes…”
“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”
Kamau Kambon
Former visiting professor of African American Studies at North Carolina State University
“And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem … And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate White people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate White people off the face of the planet to solve this problem … [We need to] get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is White people.”
Remarks during Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media, Howard University, October 14, broadcast by C-SPAN television network
Eldridge Clever
Former Black Panther leader
Describing why he raped multiple White women:
“Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the White man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women ...”
Eldridge Clever, Soul on Ice, McGraw-Hill, 1968, p.14.
Malcolm X
“The death of over 120 White people is a very beautiful thing.”
Speech in Los Angeles on June 3, 1962 upon learning of a tragic plane crash.
Note: an oft-repeated phrase of Malcolm X’s: “The White man is the devil.” Malcolm X (and others of the Nation of Islam) taught that Whites are devils who were genetically-engineered by someone named “Yakub” thousands of years ago.
That is a satanist.