We had this debate last night - I've been with more than a few women in my 50 years on this earth and each one of them has cost me something that, if it weren't for the chance of getting sex, I would have not expended - time, energy, cash or even on at least one occasion, my dignity.
That said, I can only think of one instance where the "cost" of sex was greater than the benefit - and my first wife can rot in hell for being such a rotten cunt. In all other cases, the negotiated price, whether it be a shoulder to cry on or a few crisp $100 bills was always been equitable for both parties.
The only person, man or woman, that can truthfully state that they have never paid for sex is one that has never had the pleasure of successfully negotiating the price of 'said" sex - in other-words - if you never paid for it - you've never had it.
As stated before in this thread - even maintaining an appearance that may attract one that you wish to have sex with cost you something, at least time - and in the real world - time IS money.
Personally I set my standards pretty high and as such, I'm willing to take care of myself as well as those so generous as to share their time with me. If this means taking the time to make myself look and smell my best, spending time at an event that I would never attend alone, spending more on an evening out than is otherwise reasonable or just inviting a friend over and giving her my undivided attention for hours on end - meeting her needs so that she is a willing partner in meeting my needs then so be it.
In the end - if both (all) parties needs are met everyone leaves happy - if not - someone paid too little (or too much) for the sex they just had..... and that always sucks. Did I say that my first wife can rot in hell yet? :2 cents: