Do These Make Anyone Else Chuckle?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Good question; I'm glad you asked. I got this Japanese PC sex game called Home Mate by the company Illusion, and that weird little anime girl was on the top of the screen during the installation. I thought it was funny because she was calling me an asshole as I was installing a sex game, LMAO



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I thought it was funny because she was calling me an asshole as I was installing a sex game, LMAO

Yeah, animated Japanese girls will do that to you. :thumbsup:

I thought the Nut Goodie one was a tad funny, but that's because the name is just stoopid.
As long as somebody at least chuckles at ONE of these, I feel it's a worthwhile thread. My thread will have made someone laugh and that's the whole point. So good.:glugglug:
Don't have pics but go to your local sporting goods store. In the muzzle loading section you should be able to find both "Red Hot Nipples" and "Bore Butter". I'm just sayin'.
Here's the validation you are so desperately seeking:

I chuckled at one of them.

Great heres one!


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Well, there are also those that aren't "funny" on first sight.

Anyone know the game "Mankomania"? It's a German board game about spending your money as fast as possible.
Well, I once went with a Japanese friend of mine to a shopping center here in Germany, and when we passed the games section, I asked here "Do you know this game?", pointing at "Mankomania" on one of the shelves. And while she was almost choking on her drink, I was having a ball, knowing that the word "manko" means "cunt" in Japanese.