I absolutely love burrying my toung in a clean woman's ass. Nothing gets me harder. I have also had one woman lick mine, I will never forget how awesom that felt and will probably never feel it again.
How is it gay for a women to put her tongue in your ass? It's not a guy doing it. If it's a hot chick burying her tongue in a guys ass and he is liking it, you are telling me he's gay? I don't get that logic sorry.
Girl/Girl rimjob scenes are alright, a guy doing it to a girl in a scene is fine, but I am not crazy about a girl giving a guy a rimjob in a scene, unless it's 20% on those dubs I saw.
I enjoy watching it. It's not a necessity but it's cool. There's many woman on this site I would love to give rimjobs too. And some of u who says no really want to agree