Do Native American Pornstars exist?

Dro50 said:
I dont wanna get to in to that discussion but I will say this....not only were they almost exterminated back then but now they are nomds constantly heckled by greedy land owners, civil and animal rights activists, groups against casinos and some racism... Ill leave it at Big didn't do anything...I meant we in a different way and I apologize for not being more specific.
have you ever met a "native..." that lives on a reservation with a casino? they are lazy drunks. its sad. a few months ago, i was doing a job down by harrah's casino. i saw a bunch of them getting drunk at 10 in the morning. later in the day, i overheard two of them talking. it seems that their check hadnt come in yet. yeah they had laughs at my homeland's expense. saying that the government owes them. all i wanted to do after that was go away. they sit and do nothing and get paid for it. i did not want to be around them anymore. i still dont. ungrateful little fucks.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Dude.. I'm all for reparations on the matter when 'we' took their land and killed about 90% of the population. I'm a full-on jew and historically, circumstance and hate make us nomadic.. but I'm not looking for a hand-out or an apology. If you were part of a dying, hated people what would you do? Organize an orgy to re-populate? Demand.. what, exactly? Demand your land back, demand a rite of vengeance?

To quote a story I read the other day... 'I tried prozac once.. I settled on bourbon.' Its cheaper to drink. Or as Renton (Trainspotting) said.. some people are drug addicts in their own socially acceptable way. Would you prefer them on paxil?

Seriously, what do anyone but catholic/protestant whites have to be thankful for? A history littered with war and hate?

Ehh.. I dont even want to argue the point; suffice to say that there are no happy endings in reality. Sitting Bull isnt going to lead the people to glory. The blacks arent going back to Africa with a first class ticket and reparations. I'm not going to be happy with an Apology from every last hate group and my place back on german/israel soil.

Is your race a joke to everyone else? What would you do, brother?

Take it easy. :nod:
This is just another in a long line of stupid fucking threads! Along the lines with "What's it like to fuck a fat chick"! There may be some people in this particular ethnic group that get drunk and blame the government for...whatever, but to assume that they are all that way is an ignorant generalazation, and that, generalization, is the very seed of racism. I spent a few months in Flagstaff Az, and worked at a motel with a few Navajo young women, and they were very nice people who held down a job. I would have been proud to call them my friend, even though they were only, really, accquaintances.

That's just as ignorant as saying something like "WE" all white people are responsible for doing what was done to Native Americans. I wasn't around back then to do the doing, or to stop what was happenning.

To quote the comedian George Wallace: "Stupid things people say!"

I knew I shouldn't have openned this stupid thread again.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Dro50 said:
Do Native American porn stars exists or are they look alikes or just wearing native american clothing....I know Native americans are a dying race:( but my grandma is half, I enjoy learning about they're culture, It was fucked up what we did to them, I like gambling at casinos and I had sex with a native american chic once and it was good.... lol neways anybody of any native american pornstars?

Native americans are a dying race

They are in fact so, no different than pure-blooded English, Irish, German, Italian, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera are a "dying" race! Inter-breeding (as a result of open-mindedness for one thing, and embracing the quixotic whim of judging a person based upon their character, and not upon the color of their skin, to paraphrase Martin Luther King Jr.) will eventually result in vague (if not irrelevant) distinctions as to one belonging to a particular race (keep in mind that the Third Reich had very specific designs as to preserving such ethnic sanctity).

A thousand years from now, racists (if they are not all dead and burried...I mean... extinct by this time) will have to be contented with making the distinction as to whether an entity is human or...Klingon, as an example.

Klingon pornstars?

I know: :2offtopic

Remember, you heard it here first.
lol i bet they do... it is such a big biz.
DrMotorcity said:
A thousand years from now, racists (if they are not all dead and burried...I mean... extinct by this time) will have to be contented with making the distinction as to whether an entity is human or...Klingon, as an example.

in a thousand years, if the world is still around, there will be no more races. with a lot of mixes now, its inevitable that someday, there will be just one race. then and only then will racism be abolished.
I'm 4th Cherokee and am mad at the fuckers that almost destroyed an entire race of people but don't feel guilty just because you're white. just remember and know the truth. It's a shame there isn't any full blooded pornstars because they're beautiful women.
Just adding something in the debate: Nunavut. The Nunavut is a true example of real reparation handed to Inuits by the canadian government.

More Nunavuts and less reserves!

That said, i remember to have read somewhere that Chasey Lain have some native american heritage - i'm really not sure of the validity of her claims tho.
I'm 4th Cherokee and am mad at the fuckers that almost destroyed an entire race of people but don't feel guilty just because you're white. just remember and know the truth. It's a shame there isn't any full blooded porn stars because they're beautiful women.

Thank you. Now I can sleep much better at night. That took a load of my shoulders. :hatsoff: