Do Girls that Smoke Turn You On? Or Off?

Smoking is a HUGE turn off for me. I wouldn't let it stop me from banging the fuck out of a chick if she did so, but I wouldn't date/marry a woman who smokes.


Official Checked Star Member
This is for Sasha. You are one hell of a hot smoking babe. Really turns me on.

Thanks, I appreciate that with all these smoker-haters in here, lol.
Yes, we all know it's a filthy, disgusting habit, but I enjoy the fuck out of a good cigarette! :glugglug:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Smoking is probably one of the biggest turn-offs I can think of. It doesn't matter how hot the girl is, if she's smoking, she's not getting any of this. :D One of my crazy exes (ha, that doesn't narrow it down) smoked and it was one of the reasons I ended up breaking things off - also contributing were infidelity and the fact that she was fuckin' nuts. But the cigarettes were certainly a factor. I hated kissing her. That's probably the closest I'll come to licking the inside of a chimney...


Lick an ashtray, that's what it's like kissing a smoker. NASTY
I have sort of a weird smoking that I HATE smoking fetish sites, scenes where the girls smoke during sex, smoking BJs, etc, etc...

The only thing I like is when I see a porn star smoking for real....where it's not necessarily "scripted". For example, in some of these sites like midnightprowl, fuckteamfive, etc....where the're going all over town looking for guys, you often see the girls smoking cigarettes at some point and you can tell that they are real smokers.

That always turns me on.

Additionally, ChristianXXX (I think that's his name) had his blog (great blog, by the way).., where he often posted candid pics that he took himself of pornstars smoking during breaks, etc..

That was heaven for me.

I never understood my fetish. Obviously smoking is horrible for you, I don't smoke, wouldn't want my girlfriend or wife to smoke, etc.

Yet? It's a turn on for me. Weird.

I'm pretty sure it traces back to when I was 13 or 14 and I saw a group of popular chicks my own age smoking cigarettes and I couldn't get over how "bad" they were.
I just saw Saratoga's post on the previous page, expressing (much more eloquently) many of the same feelings I have on the subject.

These references have exposed me to countless porn chicks I'd have never paid any mind to, but who, simply by virtue of being smokers, I set my amourous designs on.
