Do girls have full control over their orgasm...


:rofl2: "Spamming." Good one. You ask some pretty naive questions for (according to your "About Me") a 38-year-old.

maybe you were born with all the knowledge but most normal people learn "naive" stuff like this with time.some at the age of 15,some at 25.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Harley Spencer is a downright liar. A man can always tell when a woman has an orgasm and he has every bit of control over it. She will start to pant. The panting will gradually become more intense. She may become more vocal with intense squirming or thrusting movements. She has no control. Our actions bring her to the point where she has no control of her body. The finish is when she is fully exhausted and lifeless. Do some cuddling at this time, she needs this. If she wants to mop up and fall asleep then let her. A woman's orgasm is a very emotional moment. There is no such thing as a fake orgasm. It's only something women talk about to impress their friends.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I have a better question. Who cares if they have orgasms? Amirite brahs?!?!

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Harley Spencer is a downright liar. A man can always tell when a woman has an orgasm and he has every bit of control over it. She will start to pant. The panting will gradually become more intense. She may become more vocal with intense squirming or thrusting movements. She has no control. Our actions bring her to the point where she has no control of her body. The finish is when she is fully exhausted and lifeless. Do some cuddling at this time, she needs this. If she wants to mop up and fall asleep then let her. A woman's orgasm is a very emotional moment. There is no such thing as a fake orgasm. It's only something women talk about to impress their friends.

Meanie. :moon:
You could always just ask your girl what moves can give her an orgasm. There's something hot about sexual communication. Plus it will bring the two of you closer and you will have better sex.


Approved Content Owner
We have no more control over our orgasms than men do. We can't just cum on demand, and if a girl claims that she can, she's faking it in order to make you think you're pleasing her or because she's not in the mood and wants the sex to be done and over with. But realistically, no, we absolutely don't. We can control trying to hold off from cumming, and we can do stuff to try to make ourselves cum quicker, but we have no real control over whether or not we actually have one. Wouldn't that be nice! Would certainly make my sex life a whole lot easier.

Keep in mind that over 80% of women fake their orgasms. While that's a whole other topic of discussion, it may apply here, since it's food for thought about whether or not the girls you're sleeping with are even having orgasms, and given that most of them probably aren't, again, they don't have any control over whether or not they cum at all.

Orgasms are a result of our muscles contracting over and over again, being a release from all the buildup and consistent friction. It's not something you can control with your mind, it requires a certain physical stimulation to happen. So unless you're providing that exact stimulation that a woman needs to reach orgasm, it's not going to happen.

Very well said. More info for the curious. ;)

Basically, since an orgasm, male or female, is a reflex set off by rhythmic stimulation, if she say's "don't stop"..... DON'T! :)