Do any porn stars Twitter?

Re: Twitter?

I'm following Chicas Place and FreeOnes. :)

Huh! That feels like i am stalking. lol


Closed Account
Re: Twitter?

Chica i will read yours!! but i must say im not that into reading that many peoples radom thoughts on the net every moment of the day. i find this sadder then people showing thier day to day lives on youtube. Just becuase they have a web cam they think thier a star.


Closed Account
Re: Twitter?

I am propping my head up in my left hand.

Listening to "Sand In My Shoes" by Dido.

The water has finished boiling. Going to make coffee.

Uh. Received a PM from a fellow soul.

Must pee.
Re: Twitter?

I am a relative newbie to this Tweeting thing...not to sound embarrassed or anything like that.

Could you PM me sometime and please explain to me how this works? I am a bit curious to know, thanks.