Derren Brown to predict lottery numbers

As for figuring out how he did it, whats the point? Can people not wait two days to find out from the guy himself?

Course not. The whole fun in magic is trying to work out how it's performed. He won't necessarily give the truth away on Friday.

Why wait 2 days if not build anticipation by allowing time for speculation? Why give that snowflake teaser away? He did this intentionally so people could enjoy themselves trying to figure out the puzzle for themselves.
Goodness. I had no idea. I though Brown always advocated 'no trickery'; that's one of the reasons I always liked him. If true, then he's no better than any other 'trickster'. Shame. Oh well.

Just the opposite. He freely admits that everything he does is trickery. The only other possibility is that you think he's really psychic, really predicting the lottery, etc - which of course, is completely preposterous.

Just watch the first video - it's an interview with the well known atheist and scientist Richard Dawkins for a programme called "Enemies of Reason".
^^Thanks DS. I like Dawkins: The Selfish Gene. Masterpiece. Will take a peep at the link:thumbsup:


Well there you go then, he fixed the lottery machine.