Dennis Hopper Is Dead

It's too late. You have shat on the face of the Gods and they are ~upset~. You can expect a visit from Pan tonight.....:shocked:


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To quote Mr. Hopper from Apocoloypse now:

This is the way the fucking world ends! Look at this fucking shit we're in, man! Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm fucking splitting, Jack."

:hatsoff: RIP good sir.
Can't we trade in the cast of The Hills for Dennis Hopper? That sucks, I really like Dennis Hopper.


Torn & Frayed.
I said this on the other thread about his recent illness,but it bears repeating:

You know,"Legendary" seems to be the latest word to completely lose it's meaning due to overuse,to the point that the youth of the future will have no concept of what it really means.

When that happens,I will gladly inform them of the life,work and career of Dennis Hopper.

Truly a legendary man.

Rest in peace....

I wonder if Peter Fonda saw him one last time....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Hydra Beaver will regrow two heads immediately.

With teenagers having ruined vampires and wizards, the last thing we need is Bieber growing five heads and leading the charge for teenagers to claim they are actually characters from ancient Greece.

"Oh, hey, I'm Amphidamas, son of Aleus and Cleobule. I was one of the Argonauts who helped Jason find the golden fleece. I'm kind of a big deal."

...What were we talking about?

Only in its physical manifestation. If you strike them down, they shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

I never knew Bieber had control over the force.