Well, intouchwithdenise.com came back online some time yesterday. It's was down over a month, the webmaster never responded to any of my emails, and one of my friends who emailed asking for a Refund for November just got his account locked out without a word. I adore Denise, but her web team has absurdly poor customer support.
So even though the website came back up 11 days ago, there still hasn't been anything posted in December. The last thing posted was on November 11th allegedly... the website was actually down, so they can put whatever date they want on the updates. There has been no communication from her webmaster about the month it was down, aside from banning my friend who asked for a refund, and no communication from Denise herself in more than a year, even though a direct channel for fan communication was the whole point of this website.

Fuck this noise, it's time to dispute the charges with my credit card company. I can not stress enough how much I recommend against sending this woman and her criminal manager any money.
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It appears to be down once again.

I can only imagine how badly the site must be run given how badly it is (was?) constructed. Despite being a pay site, the photos were easily accessible without an account or password. And really, the photos were the only reason to visit the site. Fan communication? Please.

Still, a reality check. Denise is in her mid to late thirties, and while she's still stunning, she's not the playful little tease she once was. I'm one of the weirdos who still loved seeing her fully clothed in those more modest but still skintight fashions that hugged her preposterous curves. But the heavier make-up she's chosen to go with as she's gotten older isn't doing it for me, especially in extreme closeup. If this really is the end of the road, there are plenty of ways to see and remember her on the interwebs without paying a dime.
So does anyone know what happened to intouchwithdenise.com? It's been down for almost a month, my emails to the webmaster get no response, but they still just billed me for December. I really don't want to have to contest this with my bank.

Well, intouchwithdenise.com came back online some time yesterday. It's was down over a month, the webmaster never responded to any of my emails, and one of my friends who emailed asking for a Refund for November just got his account locked out without a word. I adore Denise, but her web team has absurdly poor customer support.

So even though the website came back up 11 days ago, there still hasn't been anything posted in December. The last thing posted was on November 11th allegedly... the website was actually down, so they can put whatever date they want on the updates. There has been no communication from her webmaster about the month it was down, aside from banning my friend who asked for a refund, and no communication from Denise herself in more than a year, even though a direct channel for fan communication was the whole point of this website.

Fuck this noise, it's time to dispute the charges with my credit card company. I can not stress enough how much I recommend against sending this woman and her criminal manager any money.

It appears to be down once again.

I can only imagine how badly the site must be run given how badly it is (was?) constructed. Despite being a pay site, the photos were easily accessible without an account or password. And really, the photos were the only reason to visit the site. Fan communication? Please.

Still, a reality check. Denise is in her mid to late thirties, and while she's still stunning, she's not the playful little tease she once was. I'm one of the weirdos who still loved seeing her fully clothed in those more modest but still skintight fashions that hugged her preposterous curves. But the heavier make-up she's chosen to go with as she's gotten older isn't doing it for me, especially in extreme closeup. If this really is the end of the road, there are plenty of ways to see and remember her on the interwebs without paying a dime.

And people wonder why she never posed topless. She poses with her clothes on and people still pay to be on her site. She treats her paying members like crap (not just this site, but her previous one as well) and yet people still pay to be on her site.

She has no incentive to take off her top, she is still making money. As long as people keep paying her to do what she does now, that top stays on and all nipples be photo-shopped out.

Have fun with the blue balls waiting for her to take off her top.
Weirdly, the site seems to be back up again, though still with no new content since November. I'd understand if she was through with it, but the fact that it keeps going offline and then back on again without any updates is odd to say the least.
I dont understand whats so hard to get. People dont do this kind of work forever. She has a husband and kids, do you really think she wanted to do this up until her kids were in high school? She got in the game, kept her diginity by not showing all, made good money, travled the world, met famous people, and now she has reclined into the shadows. Her fans need to do exactly what she did, move on, get married, have kids, and find someone else to fap too on those red flower nights.
For some reason I thought of Denise today and watched a couple of videos online....they were from 2007. That long ago when she was really doing sexy stuff and I'm still intrigued. I can only hope for a comeback....
I dont understand whats so hard to get. People dont do this kind of work forever. She has a husband and kids, do you really think she wanted to do this up until her kids were in high school? She got in the game, kept her diginity by not showing all, made good money, travled the world, met famous people, and now she has reclined into the shadows.
What dignity does she have? Ridiculous to think that just because she has not gone topless, that she somehow has "dignity". Like somehow, she is of superior status because she hasn't. I can't think of how long the list would be of chicks that have shown their tits, but are of higher calibre/esteem/quality/worth. Your righteous poo is not necessary.

Her fans need to do exactly what she did, move on, get married, have kids, and find someone else to fap too on those red flower nights.
A strong sense of smartarse I can see here.
What dignity does she have? Ridiculous to think that just because she has not gone topless, that she somehow has "dignity". Like somehow, she is of superior status because she hasn't. I can't think of how long the list would be of chicks that have shown their tits, but are of higher calibre/esteem/quality/worth. Your righteous poo is not necessary.

A strong sense of smartarse I can see here.
Maybe you think a girl being facefucked with her face full of semen on camera has more dignity. Go ahead and recommend this job to everyone you loves.
Denise is a classy lady with a worthy life, not a random whore who nobody won't love when she's 40
Maybe you think a girl being facefucked with her face full of semen on camera has more dignity. Go ahead and recommend this job to everyone you loves.
Denise is a classy lady with a worthy life, not a random whore who nobody won't love when she's 40

theres nothing wrong with doing porn, but if u think classy ladies run around showing off their tits like denise did youre wrong, i dont look at her and go "oh what a classy woman"
theres nothing wrong with doing porn, but if u think classy ladies run around showing off their tits like denise did youre wrong, i dont look at her and go "oh what a classy woman"

WTF??? Honestly, what would you think if your mother or sister were doing porn? Come on boy...porn is a degradant job for women. Denise didn't do some degradant stuff and never lost her dignity, simply she made money taking sugerent and hot pictures in bikini, lingerie and casual clothes with elegancy and classy.
Also, Denise has shown an huge personality within go topless because she had a bunch of deals to go naked and gain huge amounts of money and she refused. That personality, or her effort and dedication now in the fitness business shows how classy woman she is.

She could being ganbanged and gaining easy money, but she has a worthy brain and now she is giving private fitness lessons to other women and working as a usual person.