And Denise has lied about: her breasts, her family, her marital status, if she was going to possibly go topless, her name (which isnt a big deal really), she constantly lied to her members on the forum for her site, not sure if it was even her, she lied in her interview about not having crazy fans (trust me I know some of them but that was probably said for PR but if she wanted good PR why the hell would she say she say her beauty kept somebody from killing himself thats not cool thats vain)
But like I said this doesn't mean I don't like Denise or even dont understand why she lied. Im just saying she isnt the most honest to her fans.
I wouldn't actually be annoyed with her over stuff like that. If I was a subscriber it would piss me off that when I was "talking" to Denise I was actually talking to Matt or Ishka. If I remember right, much of the signed merchandise wasn't signed by her either. Having said that I'm going by what I've read in the court document, don't know anything else about it. It just seems as if the whole Milani persona was a money-spinning illusion. Beautiful girls do weird things to guys heads though.
As far as not going topless goes, I really don't care. Some goes for her being married and having a kid to be honest.