Apart from the
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so very sorry. I'm so terribly sorry, I'm so awfully sorry dog & pony show on Capitol Hill awhile back (which so far has amounted to absolutely NOTHING), does anyone here have an opinion as to why Markie Mark Suckerberg and his partner in crime, Sheryl "The Squirrel" Sandberg, have been let off the hook in regard to an alleged violation of a consent decree signed in 2011?
Facebook Settles FTC Charges That It Deceived Consumers By Failing To Keep Privacy Promises
To give a hint, I believe that the answer to that why looks something like this:
I've been of the opinion (since Day 1) that Facebook is nothing more than a clever piece of spyware that people have willingly installed on their computers and mobile devices. On multiple occasions it's been shown that various (hidden) elements of the software have uploaded contacts, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Zuckie gets caught, squirts some fake tears and goes on about his business. Meanwhile, the sheeple say, "well, it's free and I ain't got nuffin' to hide... and he said all he's doin' is enhancin' the user experience." So they keep using it and he keeps selling their data and money is made. I've never had it. And I never will. But I'm relatively certain that at least
some of the email spam and phishing phone calls I get are because of my association with people who have me in their contact lists.
And now it seems that even though I wouldn't have a device with Fakebook loaded on it, if someone takes my picture and includes it in a Facebook post, their facial recognition algorithm will attempt to identify ME! Well, just apologize for doing that too, Markie (and send a bribe... I mean "campaign donation" to the ranking Dem or Repub who might cause a problem).