Deflowering a virgin girl...and the blood...

I saw a porn video where a guy deflowers a girl...and when he's pulling in and out...his cock trenched from her blood. Is that ALWAYS gonna happen everytime you deflower someone? IS the blood gonna fade away or something before the sessions over?

I ask because that blood trenched cock just had me :eek: it was a turn off as well as it is to see any man's dick. But I feel like that's gonna turn me off if I deflower a virgin.
Nothing millions upon millions of men and women have been doing since the dawn of time.

Altho some MEN arent big enough to totally break a hymen not me course ;)

Anyhow man up and bust that ass it isnt as bad as you think
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knows petras secret: she farted.
no, its not always like that. ive never made a girl bleed, they hurt for a minute but never bled. even my girlfriends (friends that are girls) who lost their virginities lately or rememeber it said they didnt bleed either. sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesnt.
I didn't bleed.

Oh, well.

Some girls do, some don't, and the amount of blood would vary, I think.
yes, the confusion of the vagina has stupefied billions over the course of time.
Yesterday 01:20 PM

I saw a few vids like that myself, course the notion of a girl being "deflowered" for the first time on video seems, well....utter bollocks. The same result, for the sake of video can be accomplished by simply having sex while on her period, trust me, I know this through an unfortuantely time spontaneous moment of passion.

Course if you are stupid enough to believe thats really her first time and shes just a cash strapped student looking for money so's agreed to have a special moment of being fucked and cum on, then there must be a lot of girls out there with a hymen and free time!
Porn v. reality ...

She probably wasn't a virgin, but they were doing it on her period.

Virgins may have blood, but it's not like a period. I'm sure if someone "did her rough" it might be more, but it's honestly not like that. It is discomfort, possibly even pain, but it's not like a period.

So if you're going to make a sensationalized porn about a "virgin getting fucked hard," doing her on her period is good way to do it. Especially with a circumsized guy (or a guy pulling the skin back) so the helmet catches some of the blood on exit.

Even my wife (who wasn't a virgin) had some pain and comfort when we started having intercourse regularly until she adjusted to me. I'm not huge either, and it was more than just my width and helmet, but I think the duration, approach, depth, etc... like she never had prior. The first time she only had a little bit of blood (but nothing like her periods). After that, we actually did it on her periods the first year of our marriage so it was more lubrication and she found it easier to take.

After our first year, she didn't have an issue with it at all.
Great thread to bump... :rolleyes: :ban: