Deep Throat...good or bad....

From the start I have to stay deep throat feels pretty good and looks pretty good on porn but only with cirtain circumstances..gagging, throwing up and seeing the girl have red teary eyes is just...iono the whole thing where one person yaks others see it and do too...should deep throat be considered good or bad?
i think it depends on the circumstance and the girl. I suppose in porn it is not an 'issue' but in the real life yeah, it is depending on the girl i reckon...some like it...some loved to be choked some love the pressure and some say they love the 'challenge' of trying to get it all in their mouths. :p


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if a girl is good at it and wont gag/puke, then it is much better.

infact, if i girl cant deep throat... id rather just have a wank.. anything else just feels like shit.
as a deep throat fan, i'd say good.. but of course it's girl's choice to do it or not.. not every girl is capable of that, both morally and physically..
why'd it be wrong if it's ok for the girl..
let's say "messy" instead..
as someone who can (and a person with really bad gag reflex) I really think with the right "training" and concentration most girls can deepthroat, I think its great to watch personally


Fuck'en Bitches and Leav'en Stitches
I love watching deep throat:nanner:

The whole gauging and red eyas are just iceing on the cake IMO:hatsoff:
Watching it doesn't really do much for me I much prefer seeing a girl pay a lot of lip and tongue attention to the head of the cock. Plus, the teary eyes doesn't do it for me. If a girl is good at it, then it's fine, otherwise I'd go as far as to say it can be a turn off.
Depends on the scene but I prefer the " Deep throat this " collection.
i can deep throat...damn good too!
but i dont think its good or atractive wen girls cant do it and they get redeyed and shit. Like pain is not cute.. so they shouldnt do it.
Best feeling in the world! I don't want to live in a world without Deepthroat!


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Dro50 said:
...should deep throat be considered good or bad?

Again a question that can bring a zillion different answers. You know what they say about opinions.

As a woman that loves doing it I don't give much thought to it being good or bad. I do deep throat and I just do it very well, with caring and a deep passion for my partner when in a relationship. As I do any other sex act with him. I think my sincere need to please keeps the gagging and red eye etc. from ever rearing its ugly head. I try to always do anything I attempt the best I can. I'm big on pushing my own limits. Please understand that I only sleep with someone I have feelings for and that I don't sleep around. So I'm for quality not quantity. My partners have been only a few but none the less quality partners/relationships.

My :2 cents:
deep throat all the way...i used to date a girl who could swallow my whole dick and never gag or felt great and was a really big turn i say...DEEP THROAT ALL THE WAY WOO!!!
I put this up after seeing a porn where the guy made the girl throwup three times cause she was doing deep throat and he was fucking her mouth... they saqid it themselves in the porn that the smell of the vomit was getting to them but kept fucking her mouth and ass anyway...that was kinda nasty ya im very carefull with my porn downloads cuz I never wanna see a girl throwup from sucking dick...makes me wanna throw up.
ÆGEAN said:
i think it depends on the circumstance and the girl. I suppose in porn it is not an 'issue' but in the real life yeah, it is depending on the girl i reckon...some like it...some loved to be choked some love the pressure and some say they love the 'challenge' of trying to get it all in their mouths. :p
I couldn't agree more with you. If the girls feels comfortable with it then no worries if she is not so fond of it then respect her choice.