You should start talking once you realize that both parties are the same thing. Left vs Right is a distraction. It doesn't exist. They are both retarded, corrupt, and controlled by the same factors. In the end, it doesn't matter who is in charge....the people take it up the ass. The entire system is diseased. Figure that out and we can begin to have a real conversation.
The reason why shit is the way it is due to people being closed-minded, unwilling to think critically, do their own fact checking research and engaging in intellectually honest discussions. Instead, many people are apathetic, uninformed, misinformed and dumbed down by our corporate masters and parrot the lies coming out of Fox News, Limbaugh, Palin, Bachman, and any generic Conservative in the MSM pretending to be a genuine Conservative.
There is no denying the fact that the generic fiscal hypocrites in the GOP preach fiscal conservatism when the Democratic Party is in control yet the GOP doesn't practice fiscal conservatism when they take over the White House.
In their effort to appease, comprimise, kiss ass and reach out to the GOP, the Democratic Party in the White House cuts wasteful spending which results in the reduction of the deficit and creates budget surpluses.
Ironically, when the GOP takes control of the government all over again, instead of continuing to preserve budget surpluses to avoid deficits and acruing debt, the GOP forgets to practice what they preached by going on shopping sprees, turning budget surpluses they inherited from the previous Democratic Administration into deficits and debt by borrowing heavily from China.