Debunking the myth: The cost of Obama's trip to Asia

Again, my beef with Obama traveling is not that he traveled, it's part of his responsabilities. He has a duty to travel to other countries. But who's going? 3,000 people? I doubt he took a whole brigade of Secret Service agents. So that is the question he should answer, WHO IS GOING WITH HIM? Is he using taxpayer's money to pay back some favors from campaign contributors through this trip? If he's taking Rev. Wright, as long as he leaves him there in India I'll be happy :D


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I don't see anything here much different than before. Except Obama is black.
No... He's blIck... You need to get your pronunciation right; take a tip from the South Africans.

Anyways, the problem with Obama is that he is a BAD MOSLEM;
What kind of Moslem brings in general petraeus to increase the amount of bombings on other moslems by infidels? Bad Moslem, BAD!!!!
You should start talking once you realize that both parties are the same thing. Left vs Right is a distraction. It doesn't exist. They are both retarded, corrupt, and controlled by the same factors. In the end, it doesn't matter who is in charge....the people take it up the ass. The entire system is diseased. Figure that out and we can begin to have a real conversation.

The reason why shit is the way it is due to people being closed-minded, unwilling to think critically, do their own fact checking research and engaging in intellectually honest discussions. Instead, many people are apathetic, uninformed, misinformed and dumbed down by our corporate masters and parrot the lies coming out of Fox News, Limbaugh, Palin, Bachman, and any generic Conservative in the MSM pretending to be a genuine Conservative.

There is no denying the fact that the generic fiscal hypocrites in the GOP preach fiscal conservatism when the Democratic Party is in control yet the GOP doesn't practice fiscal conservatism when they take over the White House.

In their effort to appease, comprimise, kiss ass and reach out to the GOP, the Democratic Party in the White House cuts wasteful spending which results in the reduction of the deficit and creates budget surpluses.

Ironically, when the GOP takes control of the government all over again, instead of continuing to preserve budget surpluses to avoid deficits and acruing debt, the GOP forgets to practice what they preached by going on shopping sprees, turning budget surpluses they inherited from the previous Democratic Administration into deficits and debt by borrowing heavily from China.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
There is nobody out there that can deny that liberals controlled and dominated the media for many years. Conservatives were shouted down in print and electronic. As time went on conservatives went to the niche to get their views across. People got a taste of thoughts from the right. The base grew.

The expansion of cable. Radio stations targeting a more concentrated demographic. The Internet. More outlets to sell this concentrated product called conservatism. Papers, magazines and network television, were not the only show in town anymore. A competitive market has now been created.

What happens next? Rupert Murdoch. A guy that has already made his fortunes in media throughout the rest of the world. Remember that he had already had control of worldwide satellite communications too. Buy the NY Post and other papers that were looking to dump out. Add to that radio and television stations. All at bargain prices. Create the Fox network that lost TONS of money for several years. A business model plain and simple. Not like Mike Bloomberg or Meg Whitman that want to spend their money on a pulpit to shape our world.

Conservative media begins to eat away at the old MSM. Liberal old school media needs to save their asses. They are not the only show in town and must save their market share. What was their answer? Air America Radio. Randi Rhodes (remember her?) Al Franken, Jerry Springer, Thom Hartmann, Mother Jones Radio, Rachael Maddow. Add Keith Olberman at MSNBC and what have you got today? Rupert gets the ratings, Rupert gets the money, Rupert keeps doing the same thing. It's business. So what have we got now?

Slinging arrows. Bush is a stupid asshole from the left and Barack Obama can't turn The USA economy around with his magic wand from the right. Bush knew about 911 and Obama isn't a citizen. Being from the right I just can't understand why they send up Beck and pull this shit out of the NY Times for this travel to India thing. Beck is a fucking joke. And why do Rush And Hannity Go to the Times all of a sudden for this India shit after the pasting they both give them for their political coverage? This stuff makes me sick to say that I am conservative. I just can't to side with these guys when they play that shit.

If there is one thing that I am comfortable with it is this. I believe in the American people. Do a good job you stay. Do a bad job you are gone. Just like any business that I would own.


Author- Stop trying to deflect attention away from your beloved big spending potus! You're nothing more than a ward of state whose probably never even paid a bill in your life!
Obama is the fucking problem, not Bachmann, she's just a trivial member of Congress who happens to have enough courage to remind the working people of this nation that their president is spending money faster than it can be collected! . . . No worries for you apparently . . sittin there with your free dial up internet access, free basic cable (with MSNBC blaring away in the background), subsidized living quarters and the clothes on your back.

Closet commy-agitator posing as a Ron Paul supporter . . . YOU! :p :D
Author- Stop trying to deflect attention away from your beloved big spending potus! You're nothing more than a ward of state whose probably never even paid a bill in your life!
Obama is the fucking problem, not Bachmann, she's just a trivial member of Congress who happens to have enough courage to remind the working people of this nation that their president is spending money faster than it can be collected! . . . No worries for you apparently . . sittin there with your free dial up internet access, free basic cable (with MSNBC blaring away in the background), subsidized living quarters and the clothes on your back.

Closet commy posing as a Ron Paul supporter . . . YOU! :p

:why: I was a supporter of lifting the ban on all illicit drugs. With :yahoo:s like this running around terrorizing internet message boards with loony, batshit like this...I am strongly reconsidering.:facepalm: Who knows what destruction they would wreak unbridled by law?

Anyone HAVE A CLUE WHAT THIS 'GUY' IS BABBLING 'BOUT????????:confused::confused:

Bachmann is a trivial 'member'....That's about the only sensible, coherent phrase in your entire "\:mad:/" (drug induced rant)..

By the by no-it-all...I have never supported nor even suggested I support Ron Paul as a candidate for anything....

Assuming that rant was addressed to me since you are apparently too smart to quote what you're addressing.


:why: I was a supporter of lifting the ban on all illicit drugs. With :yahoo:s like this running around terrorizing internet message boards with loony, batshit like this...I am strongly reconsidering.:facepalm: Who knows what destruction they would wreak unbridled by law?
:why: is damned right!... Where did I ever indicate that I was talkin to you...are you the author of this thread? :confused:

:error: AGAIN, are you the author of this's very simple, yes or no?! :facepalm:

By the by no-it-all...I have never supported nor even suggested I support Ron Paul as a candidate for anything....
`never claimed you did! It was HELLRAISER, the presumed author of this here thread (the masquerading Ron Paul supporter) be the 1 I was referencing. :D
Assuming that rant was addressed to me since you are apparently too smart to quote what you're addressing.
Wot? :confused:

Stop trying to create a false political consensus by the usage of additional accounts!