Death by Taser possible

I just heard an Urban legend about a guy who accidentily got killed when he was hit in the head by a taser. :eek:

Two guys in Spain were playing around with it. The bastards were trying to shock some sheep. The one holding the taser slipped in the mud, and fell with his head on his right hand, holding the taser in it. The taser hit his face just below the right eye on the cheek.

Unknown how his put it on or how long he got shocked, he never stood up again. :eek:

Can we presume this is an Urban legend,
Or can we asume there's reality in the story even if this was a joke.


I call "Sheep's Revenge" ! :1orglaugh

The problem is that there were apparently two guys playing around with something that they had little knowledge of, insofar as the potential danger goes ... no linky, huh ? :dunno:

Will E Worm

Well, of course it is possible.

Tasers should be taken away from the police. ;)
These things are a real problem. They don't prevent any shootings, they just give police a convenient way to abuse their power and authority and mistreat citizens and suspects in custody.
I heard news reports of college student dying the day ps3 came out in the US. Something about him not having his student id and campus police tazeing him.


These things are a real problem. They don't prevent any shootings, they just give police a convenient way to abuse their power and authority and mistreat citizens and suspects in custody.

That was just plain...dumb!

C'mon, lamest of people, show some proof of this epidemic of Tazer abuse and Tazer Deaths...Google something to back up what I see are stupidly repeated wasted space internet rumors and misinformation from the usual gang of idiots...
Tasers or Tazers...whatever they are called...I would much prefer to be Tazered than shot...and if ya were to check with the regular career criminal, or most standard drunken fools, on which process they prefer...Tazer or baton beating/gunshot wound, what do you geniuses think the real recipients of the voltage would choose? Tazed and Confused, or dead 'n' dying?
I know...hard question...:rofl:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I've known tasers can kill you ever since Robert Dziekański kicked the bucket in an airport.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You can die from absolutely anything. Why is this surprising to some? Instead of being realistic, people just take things waaaaay too fucking far with this anti-taser bullshit. Are tasers used inappropriately at times? Yes. Are they used with flawless execution at times, which provides innocent people with safety? Yes. So, stop it.

Yes, people can die from getting hit with a taser, but you can literally die from anything.

You can die from drinking too much water, so should we ban public drinking fountains or disconnect the ability to have running water in our houses? Hey, here's an idea...let's figure out how to make it stop raining. I mean, it's just God abusing his power, you know?



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You can die from drinking too much water, so should we ban public drinking fountains or disconnect the ability to have running water in our houses? Hey, here's an idea...let's figure out how to make it stop raining. I mean, it's just God abusing his power, you know?


Y'know, I've tried that, and I'm pretty sure if you were at a public drinking fountain, you would have kids complaining that you are taking too long way before you start feeling sick. :dunno:
Mud is wet. If he fell in it or around it, yeah, the shock will be worse. Especially in the head. Fry his brain.

No less, tasers are not toys; they are tools and weapons. Be careful, don't play around with it, and use a .45 if any thing.
Of course it's possible. Unfortunately, there is no way to restrain someone that's 100% guaranteed to *not* possibly have a lethal effect. Even bare hands!

I think it has a bad rap, though. Is it ever abused? Of course it is, but so is anything. It saves more lives than it doesn't - cops and suspects alike. I can't imagine living life as a cop... if you act with too much force you might hurt someone innocent, but if you hesitate you might be killed. I might have to get all the numbers on hand just to have whenever this comes up too.

Death by abuse is just that, abuse. I think Tasers are all designed to cut their juice in about 3 seconds, and it was found that generally wasn't even enough to kill someone on a pacemaker. The problem is if the cop just keeps pumping the person with that stuff, then it causes the heart to spasm.

But we have the same problem with everything, remember why tasers were introduced in the first place? Because of the apparent abuse of the nightsticks, people kept dying from broken sternums and whatnot.