Dear French and Worldwide Friends, Enjoy Integration With Islam (video)


Let me confuse a bit more: it's not the people who believes in Islam the problem; the problem is Islam. Not all the muslims are jihadists, but all the jihadists are muslims. If Islam wasn't the problem, we would see hundreds of thousands if not millions of Muslims rallying the street in condemnation of such events, but we don't see any. They rallied all over the world when the cartoons about Mohamed were published, but there is none on the streets when those who published the cartoons get killed in the name of Allah: if you want me to explain to you why, i will, but if you put an effort on it i'm sure you can figure it out yourself. Now, if this makes me an intolerant, ignorant, nonsense, deluded fucking moronic xenophobic racist slut, so be it and keep enjoying your "integration" with Islam, while i keep questioning it.

Y'know, I responded to your post, not to you. I didn't call you any names and I certainly never referred to you as a slut. I am more than happy to respect views that I don't agree with but when you put words in my mouth or claim that I said or thought things I never said or thought, you get put in the same category as georgy. And that's a category that comes with zero credibility. You made a decent point or two there, but you completely blew it at the end.


Official Checked Star Member
Y'know, I responded to your post, not to you. I didn't call you any names and I certainly never referred to you as a slut. I am more than happy to respect views that I don't agree with but when you put words in my mouth or claim that I said or thought things I never said or thought, you get put in the same category as georgy. And that's a category that comes with zero credibility. You made a decent point or two there, but you completely blew it at the end.

The point you bolded was clearly referred to Johan statements about me, since you didn't make them, but he did... Of the last part, only keep enjoying your "integration" with Islam was referred also to you, because you called this attack as made by angry, psychotic people suggesting that Islam as a religion has nothing to do with it, when instead, i say it again, that is exactly the problem, in my opinion: Islam.
Already hours after the Paris attack and not a word of clear condemnation by worldwide "moderate" muslims organizations.
I agree with your sentiments but the cold hard fact is that most Muslims cannot speak out for fear of retribution.

Here you go:

Legit Muslims hate militants not only because they give Islam a bad rep, but because regular Muslims have to bear the brunt of the public outcry. Average ignorant Joe isn't going to fly to France or Syria to fight the Militants, he's going to vandalize his local mosque. However recently citizens in places like Canada and Australia have shown they can rise above the hate and distinguish between Muslims and Douchebag Terrorists.

Then again, France is the country that banned face coverings in public, so how sympathetic they are to religion is a little questionable.


Official Checked Star Member
Here you go:

Legit Muslims hate militants not only because they give Islam a bad rep, but because regular Muslims have to bear the brunt of the public outcry. Average ignorant Joe isn't going to fly to France or Syria to fight the Militants, he's going to vandalize his local mosque. However recently citizens in places like Canada and Australia have shown they can rise above the hate and distinguish between Muslims and Douchebag Terrorists.

Then again, France is the country that banned face coverings in public, so how sympathetic they are to religion is a little questionable.

From their Twitter profile:
The Muslim Canadian Congress is a grassroots group that provides a voice to Muslims who seek a secular & liberal environment to fight Sharia and Armed Jihad. 518 followers.
Canadian muslim population: 1.000.000

Do i need to explain?

This is the main article that many muslim organizations on twitter have shared today, with no mention at all about the Paris attack:

So much for condemning islamic terrorism.
Here you go:

Legit Muslims hate militants not only because they give Islam a bad rep, but because regular Muslims have to bear the brunt of the public outcry. Average ignorant Joe isn't going to fly to France or Syria to fight the Militants, he's going to vandalize his local mosque. However recently citizens in places like Canada and Australia have shown they can rise above the hate and distinguish between Muslims and Douchebag Terrorists.

Then again, France is the country that banned face coverings in public, so how sympathetic they are to religion is a little questionable.

Thanks for the link.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I really shouldn't have to remind anyone that sure, this is politics, but this subforum doesn't give everyone the right to attack each other personally.

Opinions are free to be exchanged, but you all know where the line is.


I really shouldn't have to remind anyone that sure, this is politics, but this subforum doesn't give everyone the right to attack each other personally.

Opinions are free to be exchanged, but you all know where the line is.

OK. Could you pass that little tidbit of info on to a certain moderator?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
OK. Could you pass that little tidbit of info on to a certain moderator?

You bet. In fact, anyone and everyone who crosses the line should get reported. Moderator, OCSM, whoever. Please, report it and PM us. Its a big board and we don't get to see everything, and frankly, weeding through politics daily would make me want to jump out a window. Petra could keep her $1.07.

I know its a lot looser in this section (thats what he said), but I still don't want to see straight up fighting on a personal level. If someone is going apeshit, tell us ;)
Last edited:
From their Twitter profile:
The Muslim Canadian Congress is a grassroots group that provides a voice to Muslims who seek a secular & liberal environment to fight Sharia and Armed Jihad. 518 followers.
Canadian muslim population: 1.000.000

I see your point, so here's my rebuttal:
-Granted it's a start, but a twitter count isn't indicative of the number of people they represent.
-As a Canadian, I think you can appreciate their mission statement on their website, in part which says "As Canadians, we renounce the doctrine of armed jihad and follow the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Canadian constitution as our guiding principles".
-The MCC is just one of the organizations mentioned in the article. The National Council of Canadian Muslims was pretty vocal in their condemnation, and of course, there are many other across Canada and the world that aren't mentioned in the article.

What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack
-This seems exactly on point with your concerns

Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack
-Since you mentioned the article on HuffPo, here's one from there as well.

French Muslim Leaders Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack
-Here's one from a Jewish site.

There's tons more if you Google it, but the point is that Legit Muslim Leaders are in fact condemning the attacks, and if anything, it's in their best interests to do so.

Let me clarify I'm not Muslim, nor an advocate of their religion. Personally I feel that anyone willing to kill others in the name of "god" (*ANY* god) should start by killing themselves. But I am sympathetic when any religion/nationality/race/gender or identifiable group gets a bad rap because of the actions of a few idiots among them.


Official Checked Star Member
I see your point, so here's my rebuttal:
-Granted it's a start, but a twitter count isn't indicative of the number of people they represent.
-As a Canadian, I think you can appreciate their mission statement on their website, in part which says "As Canadians, we renounce the doctrine of armed jihad and follow the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Canadian constitution as our guiding principles".
-The MCC is just one of the organizations mentioned in the article. The National Council of Canadian Muslims was pretty vocal in their condemnation, and of course, there are many other across Canada and the world that aren't mentioned in the article.

What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack
-This seems exactly on point with your concerns

Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack
-Since you mentioned the article on HuffPo, here's one from there as well.

French Muslim Leaders Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack
-Here's one from a Jewish site.

There's tons more if you Google it, but the point is that Legit Muslim Leaders are in fact condemning the attacks, and if anything, it's in their best interests to do so.

Let me clarify I'm not Muslim, nor an advocate of their religion. Personally I feel that anyone willing to kill others in the name of "god" (*ANY* god) should start by killing themselves. But I am sympathetic when any religion/nationality/race/gender or identifiable group gets a bad rap because of the actions of a few idiots among them.

I do appreciate their mission statement. I also notice that only 500 people (which are not necessarily all muslims, since i'm one of them for example) follow them.
I'm sure and aware of the fact that other muslims condemn the attacks and any form of terrorism and i agree that it is in their best interest (that's exactly my point). But we are talking about a very small minority of the Western muslim world here.
I mentioned the masses of muslims that rallied the Western streets and the media when the cartoons were published a few years ago and i don't see or hear anything near that when there are terror attacks executed in the name of Mohamed or Allah: if you can prove me wrong, please, feel free.
All the moderate muslims should be rallying the streets to condemn these acts, but this never happens; and since, as we both agree, this should be in their best interest, i rest my case about their moderation. Again, until they will prove me wrong.
When something like this happens, they are always more concerned about the possible islamophobic outcome than about the act executed in the name of their religion itself. If we were islamophobic we wouldn't have allowed them to expand the way they did in the last 40 years, we wouldn't allow and finance the construction of their mosquees, we wouldn't take pork away from schools menus; the problem is that some of them execute such acts and the rest of them don't seem much eager to distance themselves from such acts: this is scary and it does not help integration and this is why some people start realizing that integration is not what muslims want ;)
You bet. In fact, anyone and everyone who crosses the line should get reported. Moderator, OCSM, whoever. Please, report it and PM us. Its a big board and we don't get to see everything, and frankly, weeding through politics daily would make me want to jump out a window. Petra could keep her $1.07.

I know its a lot looser in this section (thats what he said), but I still don't want to see straight up fighting on a personal level. If someone is going apeshit, tell us ;)



Official Checked Star Member
London, 2006, "moderate" muslims moderately protesting against Mohamed cartoons. Feel free to integrate with them.

For videos of moderate muslims protesting against the 2015 Paris attack i accept submissions.

Note: un/use of quotes intended.


God Bless Christian Louboutin
Already hours after the Paris attack and not a word of clear condemnation by worldwide "moderate" muslims organizations. To all those who continue to say that Islam and terrorism are two separate things: you are as responsible for these attacks and for those to come as those who made them. Enjoy the outcome of your politically correctness bullshit.

Yes, Islam the religion and terrorism based on the misinterpretation of Islam are two separate things. When abortions clinics were bombed in the United States in the name of Jesus Christ and when providers like Dr. George Tiller are shot in cold blood in a church by a fanatic, you don't blame all of Christianity. When the IRA engaged in a bloody and violent war with Britain and got arms from Libya, Catholics didn't have to apologize for them. There are religious wars being fought in other parts of the world. Christian militias in the Central African Republic have reportedly eaten their opposition <>. Buddhist monks organizing anti-*Muslim massacres in Myanmar. There's plenty of barbarism to go around.

The people who carried out the attack in Paris -- as well as all the other terror attacks -- are using religion to strike out at the West and its institutions. These people are barbarians -- misogynists, anti-science, anti-education. Millions of Muslims who are not like them are appalled by this act. I'm just not sure which "organizations" you believe must speak out.

I'm a New York resident and have seen what can happen when you generalize about a religion. Everyone probably knows about the opposition to the construction of an interfaith community center near Ground Zero that would have included prayer space for Muslims. Bigots mislabeled it, calling it a "Mosque." It was blatant discrimination, totally ignoring the fact that scores of Muslim workers were killed in the Towers and that the attack was primarily political. Would we have balked at a Catholic Church being erected on that site had the IRA that attack. Not on your life.

This has nothing to do with "political correctness." Just common sense.


Official Checked Star Member
Millions of Muslims who are not like them are appalled by this act. I'm just not sure which "organizations" you believe must speak out.

The millions of muslims who are appalled by this act. I'd be happy with 10,000 of them rallying the street with signs stating something near "We are muslims and we condemn such acts: fuck you jidhaists!". Just to balance the 10,000 "moderate" muslims who rallied the streets of London with signs stating something near "We will kill you all and rape your wives to avenge the prophet!" when a cartoon (a cartoon!!) of Mohamed was published. Give me a shout when you hear or see that happening.
Rest assured that if yesterday's event were replaced by a bomb in a mosquee killing 12 muslims, you would have riots going on all over Europe right now with hundreds of thousands of "moderate" muslims rallying the streets against the infidels.

Only muslims can put an end to the growing feeling of untrust towards their religion, simply taking the only side they should take: the side of clear, public condemnation of such acts and isolation of the radicalists. Faithfully and yet impatiently waiting. Tomorrow is mourning day in France and i still hope to see such a thing happening, although i won't be surprised at all if it will not happen.