Dead Space 2

new game informer had an orgasm in the mail today and Dead Space 2 was on the cover. This game looks and sounds pretty sweet. I loved the first game a whole was one of my fav games and surprises of 2008. The graphics were smokin',the dismemberment gameplay was cool as hell and the weapons and upgrade bench stuff was great and different....

Keep the same formula,make things less linear and give more varitey and this should be another great game. Insane games list of 2010 keeps growing....
After playing a little bit of a friend's copy and I am wanting to get Dead Space. It is a rather surprise hit, especially in terms of a horror game, something seems to be lacking nowadays.

Silent Hill is bastardized and running its course, becoming Final Fantasy, just another title to sell because people will pick it up blindly. The only game that really supplies me with scares/thrills for the 360 is Condemned: CO.

Dead Space 2 should hopefully be just as great and scarier.
See I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I felt the whole environments were too enclosed and just overall I found the game drab. Just never got into it.
See I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I felt the whole environments were too enclosed and just overall I found the game drab. Just never got into it.

You are absolutely correct about the enviroments doc,I agree. However,if the main character looked like duke nukem,main weapon was a hand gun and the graphics were subpar than I wouldnt touch Dead know what I mean?

The unique ideas,weapons,use of gravity etc injected into that age old formula was more than enough to make it a great game and experience IMO.
Dead Space was a great game, ive still got it now and never thought about trading it in. I hope they include some sort of multiplayer on DS2. I think that could work pretty well. Looking forward too it.
Dead Space was a great game, ive still got it now and never thought about trading it in. I hope they include some sort of multiplayer on DS2. I think that could work pretty well. Looking forward too it.

Yeah, if they did kinda like what Red Faction did with their multiplayer but gave it the Dead Space touch, I think online would be a treat for the game.
Yeah, if they did kinda like what Red Faction did with their multiplayer but gave it the Dead Space touch, I think online would be a treat for the game.

yeah, not sure what they done for RF (only played one on PS2 and didn't like it), i was thinking of something like objective based games, or story mode online, or even just traditional team deathmatch ect, one team are the monsters, one team are the heros, sort of like Resistance online.
i know i am real late with this and with these games.
but i am too busy trying to get caught up in the games i have which i have not even played yet (UFC,star wars cartoon game) or games that i just finally got around to playing (mass effect)
but i just rented DEAD SPACE & BIOSHOCK today.
which is everyones opinion on the better game? hopefully i can mix mass effect & these 2 games in this weekend. i think dead space is more my type of game i think i am going to hate bioshock ...but we shall see.
i know i am real late with this and with these games.
but i am too busy trying to get caught up in the games i have which i have not even played yet (UFC,star wars cartoon game) or games that i just finally got around to playing (mass effect)
but i just rented DEAD SPACE & BIOSHOCK today.
which is everyones opinion on the better game? hopefully i can mix mass effect & these 2 games in this weekend. i think dead space is more my type of game i think i am going to hate bioshock ...but we shall see.

thats tough,theyre both great games. Dead space is alot survival horror,3rd person. Bioshock is 1st person shooter and very unique with the plasmids/powers and shit.......that said, it depends on which one of the two your'e in the mood for.
i played dead space 1st, about 2+ hours but last night i just got bored with the game,its redundant. walk through the same halls,with the same aliens/creatures jumping out of nowhere and members of your crew who are on this mission with you....who obviously have the same credentials and training as you....can't do anything but wait for you to do everything for them :confused:
im going to give bioshock a shot today but i think im definitely done with dead space. not saying its a bad game i liked it,it was different i like that type of scenario but it was same stuff over and over
Dead Space is one of the coolest game i have ever played, and if a sequel will be out, I'm gonna buy it in the blink of an eye!


I thought Dead Space was brilliant & Im looking foward to the next instalment
Dead Space is *GREAT*! (But really, really bleak).

If the sequel's by the same team (which I'm assuming) then it's gonna be another top quality game. :)
there's a rumor about a gameplay " change " in dead Space 2 .

i'm not so hyped since they said the " action " element will be greater
than the " horror / fear " element .

i have fear this gonna be a " more of the same " and it gonna be
disappointing the fans of Dead Space 1 .
^Well, if they change the core gameplay too much, it might alienate the fans of the original (which was a 'risk' by EA, and became a bit of a 'sleeper hit'). Plus, the first game was so solid in how it played, I'd hate for them to fuck up the gameply too much.

In some ways, I wouldn't mind if they made the bleakness a bit less intense, made it a bit more action-based...the atmosphere of despair in the first game was pretty damned punishing!!!

PS: Nice av, I like, proper oldskool big boobies, I'm sure I've seen that pic before but can't make out the face (old monitor!!!!!!)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Dead Space was a good game, but personally, I enjoyed Extraction more. I have no idea why; maybe having to chop your own arm off has something to do with it.