Dating site axes 5,000 'fatties'

Will E Worm

We haven't yet, but Will E sure is campaigning hard for it :thumbsup:

Dasvidaniya, Komrade Worm :glugglug:

:nono: Um, no. :tongue:
Now that I think about it I almost wish the Freeones websites (both their main page one and the messageboard) had a fat warning on every link going to a page that belongs to a fat person. I've lost count of the number of times I was checking out the new links that come in that day, saw the name of a model I didn't know about before, and had to quickly avert my eyes and go back because of the revolting sight that awaited me once I clicked over to their page.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Well done. Now if they could ban the fatties from these forums I would be set. HELLRAISER I'm looking at you.
When the "fatties" look like Sophie Mei ...

And I'm not just oogling her for her breasts (but that hourglass!):

This is the type of woman I used to date as a very fit athlete, before I was married. I'm not the only SoB out there that goes for that small percentage of women who are hourglass or top-heavy apples and have nice, perfect curves, but are +20-30lbs. for "womanly heaven."

Between the "no fatties" and "BBW lovers," I know I'm frustrated as a man. God knows I have no idea how it feels to be these ultra-curvy women who are so mis-labelled on both sides. One of these years I'm going to start such a dating service.
There is a fine line between pleasantly plump and morbidly obese. Those links you provide Prof V are hot and no where near my idea of disgustingly fat.

Frankly, I think you are battling a battle that's already won. I don't think anywhere in here is taking on a serious attitude of "fatties" and all that. This thread is just hilarious and provides a lot of ground for a lot of awesomeness.

Though we can never be too careful about those fatties, now can we? Before we know it we will have a butterball revolt on our hands! :eek:


There is a fine line between pleasantly plump and morbidly obese. Those links you provide Prof V are hot and no where near my idea of disgustingly fat.

Frankly, I think you are battling a battle that's already won. I don't think anywhere in here is taking on a serious attitude of "fatties" and all that. This thread is just hilarious and provides a lot of ground for a lot of awesomeness.

Though we can never be too careful about those fatties, now can we? Before we know it we will have a butterball revolt on our hands! :eek:

The will eat the butterball before the revolt even takes place. Plus how far can they really march before they start whezzing.