
Mr Dragon

king of freeones
whats a good shemale dateing like like plenty o fish i wanna date a shemale


I'm pretty sure a dating site like what you're looking for doesn't exist, yet. From the people I've seen posting here recently, though, I would actually suggest Kelly Pierce and Dino Velvet team up to host a match making online reality dating show.

I'm totally serious, too. Those two are both great personalities, but so far on opposite sides of the spectrum, it would be extremely entertaining.


If this idea takes off, I expect a finders fee. . .


I believe the actual identity of this person is Billy Bob Thorton, who seems to be working on dialog for the upcoming "Slingblade 2: Eccentric Bungaloo".slingblade.jpg

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
no im fallhell i was being for real i love shemales with big cock i like big black shemale cock and latinas for mosly black shemales


Ah, fuck. . . OK, what do you want to talk about? And do you have a functional command of reading/typing English? (I'm just concerned that You Might be retarded).


Official Checked Star Member
To be honest if your calling a girl a Shemale she would never date you. Most girls looking for love are not in the sex field. So you would be insulting by looking for a tgirl for just a sex object to date. She is a transsexual, only time u use the word shemale is in porn. It is not accepted in the trans community. Just some friendly advice.

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
thats why i need sumone to talk to about stuff like this im trying to date a ts but im new the hole ts thing i seen one oce she was nice

To be honest if your calling a girl a Shemale she would never date you. Most girls looking for love are not in the sex field. So you would be insulting by looking for a tgirl for just a sex object to date. She is a transsexual, only time u use the word shemale is in porn. It is not accepted in the trans community. Just some friendly advice.