She is still busty but kinda looks plastic. In that video of boobsquad she looked more natural

And I can understand your pain, my friend.
She's had several looks now, and over all, I love her first two apperances, followed by how she looked around late '05 for a while (major weight loss, followed by a much nicer set of implants which really complimented her overall physique, ect) the most, though. But she still is one of my 'modern favorites' in the industry; just her older stuff, though.
Guess she must have had some weight issues and self-esteem issues most of her life, as she seem's togo all yo-yo up & down with her body weight every few years. Also, those lip injections simply don't do it for me. Gotta wonder just why on Earth she got them. But hey, to each their own. She is still kinda hot, in a way, and people obviously dig her.
Has anyone got any pics or video clips from the Fast Pussycat: Fuck, Fuck! movie scene she did with Ron Jeremy from a few years back? So far I've only been able to find the girl-on-girl scenes, and I was honestly never too into that myself. I wanted the fucking & sucking scenes we were teased with from the online trailer.