damn nerves

Normally, i'm always hard. However last night me and this girl i know decides to have sex. When i have been dancing with her and the likes my soldier has been at attention but when it came down to sex he was at ease. damn, has this happened to anyone else. I felt really silly.:dunno:

I think it was the combination of nerves and alcohol.



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Nope it's never happen to me but you never now when it may happen one day. I just hope its not too soon for me.
xeks dont worry man. Everyone says that sex is mental for women and physical for men. Well, actually it is mental for guys also. Sometimes the pressure of having sx can interupt signals. When my mother was nearing the last few months of her life, my girlfriend then, wife now, and I didnthave sex much. I had alot of stress going on and sex just wasnt a high priority. If your really afraid there might be something physically wrong with you here is what you do. Take a roll of stamps and wrap it around your cock once before bed. If you wake up in the morning and the stamps have been proken, then your cock is working fine nd it is all mental. If you wake up in the morning and the stamps have not been broken then it could be something physically wrong, not saying there defiantely is, but I would then go seek the advice of a physician.

Side note, I dont know if stamps are sold in a roll any more or if they are always in a book. I would try your local postal office to see if you can get a roll. Also, make sure the stamps are notpulled apart before aplying them, this will defeat the whole purpose.


knows petras secret: she farted.
hahaha! fucking ape.

anyway, it is nerves, and the alcohol does it to me sometimes. i try not to drink when i might be getting any that night. but nerves can be just as bad.

when my wife wanted to try anal for the first time, i was so excited and anxious that it didnt go that well, especially when you are dealing with a pretty tight situation.
it's happened to me but mine was different circumstances, sneaking around (hotel room) with a girl from school, we both had a few beers and my dad just passed away from cancer (about a month or so earlier) so that was mostly weighing on my mind. i was ready to go but nothing happened.
i eventually banged her about a week later at home. i guess the whole sneaking around thing didn't help either.