same can be said about the bears, glass houses!
Yeah, but I didn't start a thread about my Bears.
Big Cowboys fan here.
Our season had many ups and downs, and hopefully the team learned a lot and it will help us next year.
All I know for sure is, Garrett better have learned something because another year of this offensive B.S. isnt going to cut it. We have similar traits to the Cardinals and they have no problem getting the ball to 3 recievers 70+ times. Albeit, they dont run the ball but that should make us even better because we can run the ball with our young backs.
The team needs to hire another quarterback, Romo sucks!!
IMO, this team needs to get a QB in free agency, a QB that can press Romo. The QBs they have now, Brooks Bollinger and Brad Johnson, are awful. You saw just how good they were when Romo was out because of a broken finger.
Cowboys fan here, wearing a paper bag over my head right now.
Bring back Jimmy Johnson!!!!! Or at least try to get Shanahan or Bill Cowher, or just someone who can get all those egos under control. The 'boys do have a great line up in wide receiver, Romo, even in a wheelchair, has more mobility than the previous quarterback (remember Drew "the statute" Bledsoe? :shudder: ) which is the main reason he got the job and it was an improvement. I guess we got to get him to drop Jessica, anyone got Angelina's phone number?
Cowboys fan here, wearing a paper bag over my head right now.
Bring back Jimmy Johnson!!!!! Or at least try to get Shanahan or Bill Cowher, or just someone who can get all those egos under control. The 'boys do have a great line up in wide receiver, Romo, even in a wheelchair, has more mobility than the previous quarterback (remember Drew "the statute" Bledsoe? :shudder: ) which is the main reason he got the job and it was an improvement. I guess we got to get him to drop Jessica, anyone got Angelina's phone number?
that has nothing to do with it, your giving out banter regarding the cowboys not making the playoffs when neither did the bears who im guessing you a fan off. So you original and follow up post is irrelevant. Now if you started ripping on Romo or T.O say then you would have an opinion worth reading.:thumbsup:
Nobody expected the Bears to make the playoffs...not even me. Everybody expected the Cowboys to make the playoffs...which they failed to accomplish.
The Cowboys fucking suck and people need to stop holding onto their over-rated cocks.