"Cunt " is all I can come up with.

I wonder how much outrage would exist if a male senator did the same thing. Seriously, does she really deserve to called a cunt for simply asking to be called "Senator"?
I wonder how much outrage would exist if a male senator did the same thing. Seriously, does she really deserve to called a cunt for simply asking to be called "Senator"?

No...but, it's a spin job from both sides whatever way you look at it. So...there it is.
I wonder how much outrage would exist if a male senator did the same thing. Seriously, does she really deserve to called a cunt for simply asking to be called "Senator"?

I tend to think if a female miltary officer was referring to a male Senator as "Sir" but he demanded to be called "Senator" he'd be branded a sexist pig.

I wonder how much outrage would exist if a male senator did the same thing. Seriously, does she really deserve to called a cunt for simply asking to be called "Senator"?

There would be none.

Of course, the General probably would not be acting condescending to a male Senator in the first place.
Unless somebody was purposely being derogatory or insulting it never bothers me how they address me. I don't know why it should bother anybody else in most situations. :dunno: Going out of your way to be addressed a certain way is sort of lame in my opinion.
Seems like a real military guy would know that, huh?
I heard the same comment made by someone in the know when it comes to military manners...the General was being respectful.

There you go again, flopping around on separate issues and making stuff up.:rolleyes:

I never said he was wrong or being disrespectful as he was technically correct. Military personnel officially are supposed address civilians generally with "Sir" or "Ma'am" in official matters. Exceptions can be if the civilian individual being addressed has another such title as to precede "Sir" or "Ma'am" such as Dr., Governor, Justice, Senator, etc.

In the military it's not a matter of respect but a rule that all enlisted address all officers with "Sir" or "Ma'am" and that any officer address another officer who out ranks them with "Sir" or "Ma'am".

Is that clear enough for you??

I asked and I'll ask again what if anything precipitated her reaction to being addressed as "Ma'am"?? It would be instructive to see most if not the whole hearing. While that sound bite suggests she overreacted, it's not determinative as to whether she did.

Now, I don't give a shit if she's a democrat, republican, whig or independent, I would STILL be saying the same thing.:thefinger


Closed Account
She probably sounded frustrated - oops, wrong choice of word on his forum - due to having asked it a number of times. I am reminded of the first episode of Star Trek Voyager where Janeway asks Ensign Kim to address her as Captain, except in a crunch.

I guess the writers put that in as it is a fairly common thing to be expected. Voyager is how old now?

Oh, please carry on. I have a tendency to put oil on water and kill threads. Its annoying.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I tend to think, he called her ma'am because in the military, the terms ma'am and sir are used, along with specific ranks, and she ain't wearin brass or strips. Does she deserve to be called Senator? Sure, Did she earn it? I tend to think she was elected into the position. Doesn't mean she hasn't worked hard for it, but I tend to look at politicians as employee's, and if she said that to me, I would have reminded her of that. When you've spent as much time in the military, as it takes to reach General, chances are you truly earned something, and possibly earned it in battle. That trumps hard work in any political seat. I feel what I think most do, she said the right thing, in the wrong way, and the wrong place. I also agree if the roles were reversed it would be a all about sexism, and power trips.
Sometimes people just can not accept that the military in the US is funded and controlled by civillians...........including women.

Yup as the elected representative of the people she is his boss.Senators outrank generals.Call her what she is General a Senator,not your mother not some little old lady you helped as boy scout cross the street etc that you refered to as ma'am.Times have changed and women are senators these days,deal with it.


Barbara Boxer is just an arrogant cunt!

I'm still :flame:ing over her abrupt interruption of the General,
"I've worked hard to get here" . . and the way she followed that up by quickly adding "THANK YOU". That right there is beneath contempt.
This story actually pisses me off. The General wasn't trying to be disrespectful by calling her ma'am, but she was extremely rude by putting him on the spot like that.... on a national stage no less. She owes him a public apology.

The point is that she has no right to talk to him that way, I don't care whether she's a Senator, Governor, Pamela Anderson, the lion from Narnia....whatever. He's been on the battlefield and put his life on the line for our country several times over. How many times has she put her life on the line for her country?

So I present to you you're new title miss Boxer....Senator Cunt....you worked hard for it! :D
Find it :dunno:

Why? I'm not the one using the clip as evidence against Boxer's reaction. I'm saying I'm not convinced one way or the other absent the full context of his testimony before that committee.

If I were interested in refuting the assertion I might try and find it but frankly it's a nothing issue which ultimately is heading no where.:thumbsup:


Barbara Boxer is just an arrogant cunt!

There is that small fact...

For anyone living in a vacuum or in Narnia, all these excuses might make some sense...for anyone in the real world, there is no secret Senator...we are referring to the famous Senator Babs "the Cunt" Boxer, California Democrat and full time bitch.
The videos present a nicer side of the Senator than a longer clip might show...you can have a bit too much exposure to Babs "the Cunt" Boxer.
Is this a political thread or just another "I hate women in power" thread? :dunno: Sometimes, it's hard to tell.

I guess it's a refreshing change that this thread isn't another rant toward Pelosi :dunno:

It's been awhile since we had a random bashing of Feinstein, eh?