



The only people who automatically dislike crumpets are idiotic redneck Americans who haven't even tried them.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Looks like a biscut with hemrhoids.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I've never had a crumpet before, but I wouldn't say no to trying one. Are they always served with cranberry sauce on the side?
The preview pop up box showed: Only people who don't like them are idiotic redneck Americans who haven't ever tried them. I'm sad to see that line isn't in here and edited out.

Though I'm sure most Americans are oblivious to the fact that it is equivalent to biscuit or English muffin. Given slight differences. Though I don't know of too many Americans that go on a tirade when crumpets are brought up. They'd have to be some pretty pissed off Revolutionary War vets to get that pissed off.

Ah well. I will ask some over here if they would like some spotted dick for a snack. Forget crumpet rage!


The preview box showed: Only people who don't like them are idiotic redneck Americans who haven't ever tried them. I'm sad to see that line isn't in here.

It is. I was waiting for some American responses before I pointed out you gotta highlight the whole post...

Though I'm sure most Americans are oblivious to the fact that it is equivalent to biscuit or English muffin.

They are completely different taste/texture wise.

• Crumpets are always made with milk, but English muffins never do. (Though there are a few recipes that beg to differ.)

• Crumpet batter is just that: a loose batter. English muffins are made from a more firm dough. (Sometimes.)

• Crumpets are made only using baking soda, where as English muffins are made with yeast or sourdough (and occasionally a little baking soda to help things along).

• Crumpets are cooked only on one side, so the bottom is flat and toasted while the top is speckled with holes (delicious, butter-absorbing holes...). English muffins are more bread-like and are toasted on both sides. (This one is actually a definite!)

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Crumpets are quite good to eat, also I like to put my balls on when nice and warm from the oven.
simply gorgeous
(stay away from Asda's own brand way too thin)
I just creamed my pants thinking of a delicious crumpet soaked in melted butter!!!