Creepiest Stalker On the Internet? Facebook.

Seriously Facebook, what the fuck is wrong with you!? :cussing:

I have basically zero interest in social media. Not Facebook, not Twitter, not any of that stuff. A while back though I had a friend ask me to sign up for Facebook because they wanted to play some games. So I figured sure, what the Hell? So I used my freemail account which is composed entirely of bullshit information and I signed up. Since I had no interest in the social media aspect I used yet more bullshit information when signing up for Facebook. So right there I've got two layers of total bullshit between me and everything that goes on over at the Zuckerberg Den of Evil. Great right? Not one piece of information I entered was accurate.

Now, occasionally I sift through my spam folder. Everything I get from Facebook goes there because I couldn't possibly give less of a shit about it. Here's the thing; they send you emails asking if you know other Facebook members and want to friend them. So who does it ask about? People I know in real life. People I went to school with. My fucking brother.

Seriously Facebook, you're creeping me the fuck out here! I give you no actual information about me yet still you apparently know exactly who I am and are trying to rope me into the rotting bowels of your business. Kindly stop being an Evil and frightening piece of shit.

And on that note... I have to wonder how many people who actually have a compelling reason to keep their identities confidential (like our fine OCSMs here) are being hosed by these assholes and their privacy violating bullshit...

Seriously Facebook, what the fuck is wrong with you!? :cussing:

I have basically zero interest in social media.

and yet you socialize on freeones like a motherfucker. It's funny that Facebook couldn't entice you to join, but a friend asks you to sign up so you and him could play games, lol! I don't know whats worse, social media or people that complain about them. Cretins like happyjoy hate social media, but they get on message boards, blogs, and other "social" media type stuff to vent their ridiculous tirade. Take a break from the board, happyjoy.

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
I use my modeling name even on my private FB, because fans always seem to find it anyway.

FB has started incorporating their advertisements into your actual newsfeed, as if it's a public page you've liked.
I rarely use it. Mostly do because it's good for the event pages when living in L.A. Helps me keep track of my friends & family back home too.

But FB also does a pretty good job of making me dislike people.
It seems to be where people are at their most whiny/ bigoted/ obnoxious selves.
and yet you socialize on freeones like a motherfucker. It's funny that Facebook couldn't entice you to join, but a friend asks you to sign up so you and him could play games, lol! I don't know whats worse, social media or people that complain about them. Cretins like happyjoy hate social media, but they get on message boards, blogs, and other "social" media type stuff to vent their ridiculous tirade. Take a break from the board, happyjoy.

A message board is a venue for discussion of topics which you can choose to enter into as and when you see fit; Facebook is an information-sponge in which your only "choice" as regards interaction is limited to brief "I approve of this message" style posts with a horrendously-constructed thread system. Apples and oranges, unless you're just twisting conveniently-similar words to make a non-existent point.

As regards HHJJ's post: do the friends you have on the site before you got the "recommended people" emails know the folk they recommended? It could simply be working on a degrees-of-separation principle, whereby if you know two or three people who know someone else, they assume You Might know that person too.
Facebook is terrible. It's handy for keeping in touch with friends that are miles away and organizing events/parties/reunions, but like Ari says, it's also become a soapbox for people to expose their racist or xenophobic views, and people who have no idea how politics or economics work to complain about them. Plus sharing ridiculous memes full of terribly shallow pseudo-philosophy and the kind of "like this photo if you DON'T want grandma to be stabbed a thousand times, ignore if you want granny to die" crap that makes you think "Really??"

Cretins like happyjoy

Bit OTT, wouldn't you say?
I don't know whats worse, social media or people that complain about them. Cretins like happyjoy hate social media, but they get on message boards, blogs, and other "social" media type stuff to vent their ridiculous tirade.

Out of curiosity, are you a complete fucking moron or just a borderline illiterate asshole? It's obviously one or the other I'm just curious which it is. After all, I didn't go on any tirade against social media, I just said I don't give a shit about it. What I called into question was Facebook's rather questionable stance on privacy and ability to track people and their personal data down, even when they specifically have gone out of their way to not provide them with it.

Take a break from the board, happyjoy.

I'd suggest you take a break from thinking but you already have. Now kindly go fuck yourself for calling a me a cretin.

As regards HHJJ's post: do the friends you have on the site before you got the "recommended people" emails know the folk they recommended? It could simply be working on a degrees-of-separation principle, whereby if you know two or three people who know someone else, they assume you might know that person too.

No, they do not. There is zero connection there. The person who I signed up to play games with I've never even met. They aren't from the same country. We have no connection other than some back-and-forth emailing. And they are the only person I bothered to friend.
and yet you socialize on freeones like a motherfucker. It's funny that Facebook couldn't entice you to join, but a friend asks you to sign up so you and him could play games, lol! I don't know whats worse, social media or people that complain about them. Cretins like happyjoy hate social media, but they get on message boards, blogs, and other "social" media type stuff to vent their ridiculous tirade. Take a break from the board, happyjoy.

You know a lot about his posting habits for someone that has only been here since March.

Just sayin'