Country Music Sucks


Torn & Frayed.
he was the biggest pill popper in music history. Must'a been oxy's or zanax or somethin, because whatever he was taking messed him up pretty good.

If memory serves me correctly,it was uppers.

Johnny was trashing hotel rooms long before it was cool.......:cool:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
he was the biggest pill popper in music history. Must'a been oxy's or zanax or somethin, because whatever he was taking messed him up pretty good.

If memory serves me correctly,it was uppers.

Johnny was trashing hotel rooms long before it was cool.......:cool:

Oxycontin and Xanax hadn't been developed way back when Johnny was dropping speed back in the 60s. He'd get all wired up on dexedrine before a concert and then he'd drink himself into oblivion afterward....only to get up the next day and repeat the same routine over and over again.

Johnny Cash was indeed the first outlaw of country music. Without him, it's quite likely there would have been no Willie, Waylon, Haggard, Hank Jr, Paycheck or David Allan Coe. A giant in his field, his influence on music cannot be overestimated.


My Penis Is Dancing!
The older stuff was quite good, but what they put out today is pure shit. Nothing more than a bunch of talentless clones with little musical ability.
Had some coworkers who listened to modern country at work about 20 years ago. I was amazed that the repertoire seemed to consist of about 20 of the same songs being played over and over. Two years ago, had some new coworkers who listened to modern country music at work...shit sounded the same to me after 20 years. What I found even more amazing was the pure hatred they felt towards the likes of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
What I found even more amazing was the pure hatred they felt towards the likes of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson.

Those people are not true country music fans then. Taylor Swift (for example) and others of her ilk are NOT true country....rather, they are a bizarre perversion of really shitty pop music with a trace of country instruments to make them SEEM country (dobros, slide guitars, etc). Garbage.