Couldn't cum

Same wth me. I can last for 1 1/2 hour before cumming. I donpt know if it good or bad. Maybe I can go to a porn actor audition, lol I know the most important requiriment is stamina..
with new girls i meet it seems to take alot longer to cum then it does with a girl ive been seeing 4 a while.could just b nervs.
I usually end up with 2 options:

1. I can cum early, at say 1-2 minutes but that gives her no chance to cum


2. I can "fight" the sensation to cum after 1-2 minutes. Once that opportunity passes it is very difficult for me to cum after that. She cums. She gets bored. I end up frustrated (and sometimes bored too).


Some-Guy, you said that you usually have this problem when you have sex with a girl the first few time; do you think it could be nerves?

He mustn't be taking our council all too seriously . . apparently. :looks at clock:

Stop doing blow ! That oughtta help !

ø SSSnnnnnnnniiiiffff ! ø
okay.... so last night i hooked up with this
chick that lives two doors down from me......
long story short we fucked.... but for some
reason i couldn't cum...... i mean.... we fucked
for at least 40 minutes or so but i just couldn't
cum....... and now that i think about it.... every time i
have sex with a new girl i never ever cum the first
couple times we have sex..... i don't know if
my dick has to get used to new pussy or what.......
does this happen to just me....? do any other guys
experience this......?

MANY other guys experience this. Don't worry about it.

Advice: next time, tell the woman you are like that before you start. You'll both worry less about it and, if she's nice or proud, she might make and extra effort to 'help'.
Some-Guy, you said that you usually have this problem when you have sex with a girl the first few time; do you think it could be nerves?

Yeah, I'm thinking what he's thinking. It's probably just nerves. What to do about it, I don't know. If you have an understanding girl, just keep at it. That's the only advice I can offer.