Coronavirus decimating the sex industry

Prostitutes should switch to webcam live shows on chaturbate. It's more safe and they can make even bigger profit. Porn sites should get more traffic now, when people stay at home.
If Lemon Drop charges any less she will be the one handing over the envelope. Going condomless is not a problem as she tries to sneak your wiener inside of her raw anyway.
I don't know if it's an immediate problem for a lot of sites considering how much material some of them have saved up, but I wonder if this last a protracted length of time how many of the major porn producers on the web will start running low on new material. Web cam people and models that extensively use onlyfans and similar services, as much as I dislike those because of crappy production quality, might be alright, but I wonder how long the bigger professional producers can last.
What are the girls doing for money since they have to take a hiatus from the oldest profession in the world? Hopefully they found some loser with more money than brains to mooch off of.