Corona Vaccine


Hiliary 2020
Hi, you all know me. Know what I do for a livin.
More and more MSN stories about a vaccine coming are popping up with each passing day.
Yes they will "invent" a vaccine soon.

My question is , will you get the injection?

If you said NO, then what if it is made law that it will be mandatory that everyone get the injection? Will you get it then?

If you still said no, then what if it is made law that if you do not get the injection you will be banned/barred from things such as: Admiision to schools, admision to hospitals, having health insurance, allowed to enter private businesses and government buildings like libraries and courts and any offices. Access to air travel or any travel at all. Banks, access to your money, denied any services you may be recieving, issued a drivers license, ect ect ect ect.
Will you get the injection then?

I'll tell you what, I saw how this will play out from day one. I believe this is what we may see happen very soon. There will be some form of identification issued stating that you have had the injection. And if you do not have your papers in order you will be banned from everything.

So whatch you gonna do?
Thank you
We all know there is no coronavirus. Nobody has even contracted it, let alone died from it. All those people you see buying toilet paper everywhere? They're just crisis actors paid for by the powerful bidet lobbies.

You can beat them by just drinking a mouthful of bleach every morning and night. That short circuits the nanobots they're dropping from passing aircraft that enter through your mouth and set up in your brain to make you think you have coronavirus.

It's all pretty obvious if you learn how to think for yourself and do your own research.

People who have contracted the virus, even if they've not been sick, won't need that vaccine 'cause their body would have already been in contact with the virus and therefore has "learned" to gight it, their body now has the virus' "ID" and can produce the proper defenses if it "meet" him again.

But it then appears that I haven't been in contact, then yes, of course I would take that vaccine. Why would you not take a shot that would prevent you from contracting such a horrible disease that could affect you and everyone around you if they've not been in contact with the virus either ?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
"Some people noticed that, oddly enough, a huge amount of tragedies happen during the month of April. According to these people, April is actually the Government’s Blood Sacrifice Season and during this month the government performs sacrifices to the demon god Baal and then later disguises these sacrifices as tragedies. Since many tragedies tend to happen around the same time in mid-April, even CNN has published an article questioning this tragic and unexplainable coincidence. Weirdly enough, mid-April has actually been the period of sacrifice throughout many civilizations, and the Cult of Baal used to worship their god of sun and fertility by sacrificing humans and fire. Conspiracy theorists believe that this horrible tradition is continued by the government in the form of gun fires, explosions and death."

google: conspiracy theories that sound plausible

But to answer your question, Mees.. I dunno. I dont want the cure or the virus. Both sound inevitable and problematic.
I'm hoping that this is the straw that breaks the capitalists back, actually. The rise of the plebs, all that.
Do I expect it? No.
But is this the absolute best time in history for it to happen? Yes.
But if we're going go start talking about world order, conspiracies and such.. it makes sense to bankrupt the bottom rung of the workers and put them in a position of impotence. Restructure and retool the system to encourage unskilled workers to stay home, stay useless. Enjoy your minimum wage and dont kick up a fuss.
Plausible? Not terribly. But from my generation X perspective, I just feel that my realistic outlook and my pessimistic outlook on the future are often the same.
Just kickin' around some ideas. Predicting with the same level of success as the local weatherman. :)
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Hiliary 2020
A few points , I never said it didn't exist. And google does rigg its search results.
I see maps showing the countries with the most corona are the US, Western Europe, Australia, China.
I ask why in places like India, Africa, Mexico, ect it isn't spreading much and people say maybe they aren't reporting their cases.
Could be? Then again maybe the countries that are are full of sheeeeeeeeeet.
I don't know for sure. I do know the countries with the best economies are getting it more. I din't think a virus understood the concept of money.
I do know that these daily increases are suspicious. When people die of sickness there must be a medical examination, testing done, and even autopsies. These results don't get processed overnight. And the virus has only been killing people for 3 weeks.
Anyway this could be a test, this whole thing could have some ulterior motives.
I don't know for sure.
I do know a vaccine is a coming round the mountain.
When it comes, when it comes and they tell people they must get the injection or else, there is gonna be some serious sheeeeeet hitting the fan.
It could be a situation of "don't let a good crisis go to waste"
Or it could be a situation of Crisis - Reaction- Solution.
I don't know for sure.
I do know for Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the word who owns the most important business in the world, this is a wet dream come true.


Hiliary 2020
"Some people noticed that, oddly enough, a huge amount of tragedies happen during the month of April. According to these people, April is actually the Government’s Blood Sacrifice Season and during this month the government performs sacrifices to the demon god Baal and then later disguises these sacrifices as tragedies. Since many tragedies tend to happen around the same time in mid-April, even CNN has published an article questioning this tragic and unexplainable coincidence. Weirdly enough, mid-April has actually been the period of sacrifice throughout many civilizations, and the Cult of Baal used to worship their god of sun and fertility by sacrificing humans and fire. Conspiracy theorists believe that this horrible tradition is continued by the government in the form of gun fires, explosions and death."

google: conspiracy theories that sound plausible

But to answer your question, Mees.. I dunno. I dont want the cure or the virus. Both sound inevitable and problematic.
I'm hoping that this is the straw that breaks the capitalists back, actually. The rise of the plebs, all that.
Do I expect it? No.
But is this the absolute best time in history for it to happen? Yes.
But if we're going go start talking about world order, conspiracies and such.. it makes sense to bankrupt the bottom rung of the workers and put them in a position of impotence. Restructure and retool the system to encourage unskilled workers to stay home, stay useless. Enjoy your minimum wage and dont kick up a fuss.
Plausible? Not terribly. But from my generation X perspective, I just feel that my realistic outlook and my pessimistic outlook on the future are often the same.
Just kickin' around some ideas. Predicting with the same level of success as the local weatherman. :)
Good post. However the rise of the plebs?
Na Ga Happen.
What will happen is if the economy breaks down to rubble companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, Banks are going to buy everything up and the control the supply and distribution of every thing. Which looks very much like motive to me.
And I see that is pretty much what you said in the second half of your post.
Oh and lose the term conspiracy theory. Its offensive. Its meant to be offensive.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
But it is a theory, and there are conspiracies!
Everyone should be getting good practice in riling their neighbors and friends to action. Bootlicking is still rampant, but easily argued against.
"Jeff Bezos donated less than 1% of his net wealth to the cause. During a crisis. What a good guy."

"But sir, you routinely donate 80% of your net wealth to your landlord and the stores EVERY month. Arent you fine? Dont you have a nice phone and computer, watch or play whatever you want? Go out to the bar on the weekends? Youre fine and you make very little. Those who have more should give the same percentage, right? It would be only fair. Youre a good guy for giving so much, and not asking others to do the same. But there comes a time when you have to demand equality, sir. The masses cannot take care of themselves!"


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Bill Gates sums it up. Please listen to what it said
“Lockdown Won’t End Until You Are Widely Vaccinated”
And Mr. Gates is 100% right. As long as the infection fire can flame up as soon as people start getting in touch and thus offering the virus the perfect highway to spread, things will be just like now soon.

We all need to be vaccinated. If you coose to not get the vaccine - fine. But you always have to think about those you decide for and who may suffer the consequences.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Eventually I will. But first I want to learn more about how the chosen vaccine would apply to strains, variations or mutations of this virus. For example, I've taken a flu shot every year for decades. But the last two years I've gotten Type A flu - even though that's the strain they targeted in the vaccine. The shot, despite what some people mistakenly believe, won't give you the flu. But if you're already sick when you take it, you can get hella sick. I wasn't sick when I took it, but it didn't work and I still got hella sick. So as far as a Covid-19 (or Covid-19A, B, or C) vaccine, I'll get information before I jump in line.

This Year's Flu Shot Doesn't Match What's Circulating. Here's What That Means.

At the start of the season, officials noticed something very unusual: The main strain of flu virus circulating was a type called influenza B. Typically, influenza B does not cause as many cases as influenza A strains (H1N1 and H3N2) and tends to show up later in the flu season, not at the beginning. Indeed, the last time influenza B dominated flu activity in the U.S. was during the 1992-1993 flu season, according to the new report. Some evidence suggests that influenza B may be more deadly in children than in adults, Live Science previously reported.


Hiliary 2020
So I guess thats just the natural progression. People get sick - The whole World gets shut down- A vaccine is created- You get the injection.
Me personally I question things a little more, especially before I allow them to put shit in my body that will be in me forever. I'd probably want to take my chances getting this flu which has a death rate of what? 2%?
Wouldn't it be something if the vaccine started killing people? Like tons of people.
Kind of reminds me of the Twilight Episode "To Serve Man".
And supa do yourself a favor and don't trust Bill Gates.
And Mr. Gates is 100% right. As long as the infection fire can flame up as soon as people start getting in touch and thus offering the virus the perfect highway to spread, things will be just like now soon.

We all need to be vaccinated. If you coose to not get the vaccine - fine. But you always have to think about those you decide for and who may suffer the consequences.
Nope, Biil Gates is wrong. Bill may be a perfectly fine informatician and entrepreneur but when uit comes to health, epidemiology band virology, he's just as clueless as the rest of us.

Lock down is not to prevent people from getting infected but prevent them to be infected all at the same time, to prevent hospitals to be overwhelmed over a short time period.

In the end, most of us will be infected, mosti will be asymptomatic carriers, some will experience mild symptoms (and won't even realise they've been infected) and a slight minority will get a more heavy form of the disease which will require them to be put in intensive care.

Now, if a city has let's say 10,000 people, and 1,000 need intensive care but the hospital can only treat 500 people at the same time, if these 1,000 people would all need intensive care at the same time, we're in a situation where the hospital can treat everyone and must sort out those who will get treated and those who won't.
But if you manage to slow the spread of the virus, you can get to a situation where 500 people go to the hospital on week 1 and 500 others on week 2 and the hospital can manage to treat everyone.
That's the very purpose of the lock-down.
I think most of us will get the virus but most of those who will get it won't be affected, won't even notice it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I think most of us will get the virus but most of those who will get it won't be affected, won't even notice it.

You mean the average person? The problem with averages is that they don't account for skewing. The average older person, or person with certain pre-existing medical conditions, would almost certainly be affected. But the average 17 year old, who could drink his own piss if he ran out of beer, probably wouldn't be affected (as much). In that way, yeah, it's similar to the "regular" flu.

My own personal concern is not so much for myself (although I wouldn't want to end up on a ventilator either), but for loved ones that I might infect if I got it. I have a young (20 something) second cousin who got Covid-19 about a month ago. She's fine now. But she was around the family while she was symptomatic. Her mother, my first cousin, had a bout with cancer a couple of years ago. So because of that and her age, her immune system isn't as strong as the average person's. She was scared to death. But so far, she's OK.

It's the damage that the "typhoid Marys" can do that concerns me... and a great many others.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Kind of reminds me of the Twilight Episode "To Serve Man".

I'd tip my hat to you for that one... if we still had a hat tip smilie.

"To Serve Man" and "The Rip Van Winkle Caper" are all that people need to watch to figure out life.

That's my story and I is stickin' to it! :whistle:


Hiliary 2020
I live in one of the two states where the virus is being reported as the worst in the country. Search video's for "Empty Hospital" and there are many videos from all over the world showing empty ER's. Very calm hospital areas with very few people. yootoob is deleting them of course.
I'm having a hard time rationally dismissing them.
I think more and more people are starting to get the feeling that something isn't right.


Hiliary 2020
Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are ‘being discussed’

Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011 - 2020

Bill Gates_ “Lockdown Won’t End Until You Are Widely Vaccinated”

And just like all the fake mass killings there was a drill for the exact same thing right before
October 2019
Pandemic simulation exercise spotlights massive preparedness gap
Event 201, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, envisions a fast-spreading coronavirus with a devastating impact
Hosted (meaning paid for by) guess who?
Bill Gates has no power and he has no influence on Trump so who care what he says. We won't get that vaccine before the end of 2020, maybe even mid-2021, there's no way any country would stay on lock-down that long.

Trump and his cronies want to end the lockdown ASAP so don't worry, it won't last more than a few weeks now...