Hiliary 2020
Hi, you all know me. Know what I do for a livin.
More and more MSN stories about a vaccine coming are popping up with each passing day.
Yes they will "invent" a vaccine soon.
My question is , will you get the injection?
If you said NO, then what if it is made law that it will be mandatory that everyone get the injection? Will you get it then?
If you still said no, then what if it is made law that if you do not get the injection you will be banned/barred from things such as: Admiision to schools, admision to hospitals, having health insurance, allowed to enter private businesses and government buildings like libraries and courts and any offices. Access to air travel or any travel at all. Banks, access to your money, denied any services you may be recieving, issued a drivers license, ect ect ect ect.
Will you get the injection then?
I'll tell you what, I saw how this will play out from day one. I believe this is what we may see happen very soon. There will be some form of identification issued stating that you have had the injection. And if you do not have your papers in order you will be banned from everything.
So whatch you gonna do?
Thank you
More and more MSN stories about a vaccine coming are popping up with each passing day.
Yes they will "invent" a vaccine soon.
My question is , will you get the injection?
If you said NO, then what if it is made law that it will be mandatory that everyone get the injection? Will you get it then?
If you still said no, then what if it is made law that if you do not get the injection you will be banned/barred from things such as: Admiision to schools, admision to hospitals, having health insurance, allowed to enter private businesses and government buildings like libraries and courts and any offices. Access to air travel or any travel at all. Banks, access to your money, denied any services you may be recieving, issued a drivers license, ect ect ect ect.
Will you get the injection then?
I'll tell you what, I saw how this will play out from day one. I believe this is what we may see happen very soon. There will be some form of identification issued stating that you have had the injection. And if you do not have your papers in order you will be banned from everything.
So whatch you gonna do?
Thank you