To me the real terror and tragedy is - and I wish this would be spoken of more, shouted from the council chambers -that government, any government, automatically assumes it can depend upon an army to carry out its directives.
It saddens me that guns are sold as toys in the toy shops. It is dreadful that a child can be so sweet growing up, (yes I know, after the terrible two's, and the teen years, er, actually, hmmm, well, you know what I mean), yet simply switch into kill mode once it reaches a certain age.
It is expected of one to 'defend one's country'. Suddenly there is war, and we are on the right side, doing it for God and Country, blah blah blah.
No Government can possibly expect anything to be obeyed unless the military are standing by, guns in hand, ready to point and shoot.
Begs the questions. Who will do the threatening? Who will fund military backup? What country will ratify some old white guy telling him what to do? Sheesh this is so like 'The Matrix".
How can some group even think they can call on military support at the scribble of a pen anyway?
I know there is no mention of war in the tape, but isn't it obvious that any such world government treaty can only be enforced through military action, the likes of which makes Islam seem like your angry grandaddy?
It saddens me that such action can be taken, that people still think this way.