Cop caught in strip club watching midget strip

Wait, we have cops....thousands and thousands of them. And roving gangs of retards who never graduated high school ARE knocking down doors, coming into homes and helping themselves.

While I don't agree that all cops are wannabes, thugs or whatever insult seems hip and inflammatory, we need to remember that cops rarely keep us safe..they don't protect us; they find and apprehend the people who harm us or our property after the fact. There is a big difference between security and justice. Deterrence and after-the-fact pursuit.

Fuck gratitude. They get a salary to provide a service. There's risk, sure. But there's risk in working at a bank, liquor store or deliver pizza. There's risk in going out at night, driving, working, having a vagina or, in far too many cases, being a law abiding citizen unlucky enough to be down range of a cop with an unholstered Glock. Have you ever ordered a pizza? I bet the only "gratitude" you paid him was a customary buck or two. Only an asshole would ask that you view them as a hero or be thankful for their career choice.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Lx5 again."

(Rep in spirit);)
Wait, we have cops....thousands and thousands of them. And roving gangs of retards who never graduated high school ARE knocking down doors, coming into homes and helping themselves.

While I don't agree that all cops are wannabes, thugs or whatever insult seems hip and inflammatory, we need to remember that cops rarely keep us safe..they don't protect us; they find and apprehend the people who harm us or our property after the fact. There is a big difference between security and justice. Deterrence and after-the-fact pursuit.

Fuck gratitude. They get a salary to provide a service. There's risk, sure. But there's risk in working at a bank, liquor store or deliver pizza. There's risk in going out at night, driving, working, having a vagina or, in far too many cases, being a law abiding citizen unlucky enough to be down range of a cop with an unholstered Glock. Have you ever ordered a pizza? I bet the only "gratitude" you paid him was a customary buck or two. Only an asshole would ask that you view them as a hero or be thankful for their career choice.

When I enlisted into the Navy I did so because I wanted to serve my Country. These cops are no more a hero than I or the thousands that are currently serving.

The REAL hero's are the ones that gave their life to protect their follow officers and service members. Ask ANY vet and they will tell you that they are no hero....they just did their job.

I have little to no respect for people that think they deserve to be respected because of the job that they do/chosen. I respect people for their actions...not for the badge/uniform that they wear.
Well I'm all for people going to strip clubs but on duty cop how naughty of him. He deserves to be fired. When your working you should be... uummm... let me think... Oh I got it working


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
That's the second hottest midget I've ever seen. After GregC of course.
Who wants the cops to be out on patrol anyway? They're liable to snag us for public drunkenness or various and sundry lewd acts ourselves! :nono:

Jeeze! Look on the bright side of things for a change. . . one less cop on the streets, don't knock it! Do you really want him out there doing his job? Would you be complaining about your street sweeper if he saw the stripper on city time? No, you'da laughed and thought that he was cool. ;p

Sadly, after reading this I almost think you have a point.
Wait, we have cops....thousands and thousands of them. And roving gangs of retards who never graduated high school ARE knocking down doors, coming into homes and helping themselves.

While I don't agree that all cops are wannabes, thugs or whatever insult seems hip and inflammatory, we need to remember that cops rarely keep us safe..they don't protect us; they find and apprehend the people who harm us or our property after the fact. There is a big difference between security and justice. Deterrence and after-the-fact pursuit.

You have a point, but the mere presence of the police departments is no doubt a huge deterrent to a lot of crime. Their mere presence doesn't deter all crime, but it does deter a lot of it. In this way, they do keep our society from breaking down into total anarchy, and you can breathe easier in your home because of it.

Fuck gratitude. They get a salary to provide a service. There's risk, sure. But there's risk in working at a bank, liquor store or deliver pizza. Have you ever ordered a pizza? I bet the only "gratitude" you paid him was a customary buck or two.

Come on, are you really trying to convince me that there is more danger in working at a bank, a liquor store, or delivering a pizza than there is in being a cop? Let's lay off all the cliches and start dealing in reality.

When someone delivers my pizza, you're right. All they get from me is a thank you, and a tip. Then again, I don't think they had to dodge too many bullets on the way from the pizza parlor in my neighborhood.

Only an asshole would ask that you view them as a hero or be thankful for their career choice.

When did I ever say the cops were asking you anything? I said they deserve your respect and your thanks for serving the community in a very dangerous profession that doesn't pay much more than a pizza delivery driver. Being thankful and respectful to them for this isn't too much to expect.
You have a point, but the mere presence of the police departments is no doubt a huge deterrent to a lot of crime. Their mere presence doesn't deter all crime, but it does deter a lot of it. In this way, they do keep our society from breaking down into total anarchy, and you can breathe easier in your home because of it.

If the police deter predatory criminals (rapists, robbers, killers, thieves) then do they not deter crimes that are only considered crimes among overreaching governments...crimanal statutes applied to otherwise law abiding citizens who only want to secure their own lives, property and liberty? By that I mean, if policing deters some offensive crimes, does it not deter non-violent, non-predatory defensive folks in, say, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, NY and CA from acquiring defensive weapons (guns) that are restricted, prohibited or regulated beyond practicality?

Under your reasoning, it does. And you've already admitted that my arguments have some merit. So cops both diminish the number of criminals, yet expand the number of victims. At best.

Come on, are you really trying to convince me that there is more danger in working at a bank, a liquor store, or delivering a pizza than there is in being a cop? Let's lay off all the cliches and start dealing in reality.

Well no, that wasn't my intention. I don't have statistics at hand. But are you really trying to suggest that a pizza delivery man doesn't face an extraordinary risk of being killed compared to say, a message board provider? The four links I provided came from a two minute google search. The modern Kevlar ballistic vest was the concept and original product of a pizza man who faced an armed conflict while delivering a pie. He killed three and lived, thank goodness. Ands that was only because he carried a 22 revolver, not because he relied on the police. Under today's law, HE would have been a criminal.

When did I ever say the cops were asking you anything? I said they deserve your respect and your thanks for serving the community in a very dangerous profession that doesn't pay much more than a pizza delivery driver. Being thankful and respectful to them for this isn't too much to expect.

I didn't say that you implied that cops asked for respect. I just stated that they'd be assholes if they did. As would anybody, even your pizza delivery man.

How a pizza man saved hundreds of cops
If the police deter predatory criminals (rapists, robbers, killers, thieves) then do they not deter crimes that are only considered crimes among overreaching governments...crimanal statutes applied to otherwise law abiding citizens who only want to secure their own lives, property and liberty? By that I mean, if policing deters some offensive crimes, does it not deter non-violent, non-predatory defensive folks in, say, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, NY and CA from acquiring defensive weapons (guns) that are restricted, prohibited or regulated beyond practicality?

Under your reasoning, it does. And you've already admitted that my arguments have some merit. So cops both diminish the number of criminals, yet expand the number of victims. At best.

I'll follow along with you here and go so far as to agree with you. Let's say the presence of the police departments does "deter non-violent, non-predatory defensive folks in, say, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, NY and CA from acquiring defensive weapons (guns) that are restricted, prohibited or regulated beyond practicality...and by so doing expands the number of victims."

Even if this were the case, it certainly isn't a reason to do away with police departments. I want far reaching government regulations to be relaxed in the cases you suggested too, but the way to get rid of these regulations is not by getting rid of the people who enforce them after they have been made a law. That would be throwing the baby out with the bath water. The way to do it is to get rid of the politicians who are enacting all these stupid, invasive laws.

Well no, that wasn't my intention. I don't have statistics at hand. But are you really trying to suggest that a pizza delivery man doesn't face an extraordinary risk of being killed compared to say, a message board provider? The four links I provided came from a two minute google search. The modern Kevlar ballistic vest was the concept and original product of a pizza man who faced an armed conflict while delivering a pie. He killed three and lived, thank goodness. Ands that was only because he carried a 22 revolver, not because he relied on the police. Under today's law, HE would have been a criminal.

Sure, a pizza delivery man does face more risk than a message board provider. That's why I'm not a pizza delivery man, and would rather be a message board provider. We can agree there. :o


Postal Paranoiac
I guess that's a small misdemeanor.:rolleyes: