Cool World Facts Website...real time info

Craziness. Death to life ratio is mind blowing.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm totally sober.. and lost in numbers. ;)

Also, its depressing. But considering the lack of control I have.. I'm content that I didnt cause any of those deaths, diseases, etc etc. :)

Net neutrality on the other hand.. on one hand I want to speak up and stop the coming abuse.. on the other, I think that if it passes it'll be such a huge mistake.. a true monopoly of power.. that the intended effect will backfire and create a financial vacuum forcing companies to compete fairly. (Imagine that!)
Worldometers said:
World Statistics updated in real time
• Uses your computer's clock, so if you are curious to learn the number of HIV-infected in 2050 then just change your system time to 2050. It will calculate values based on current interesting statistics and demographics data. Do not use for exact calculations.

Another fact. My anti virus will be expired in 2099! :D


what the fuck you lookin at?
I see the worlds population is growing at a disturbing rate!