contest for official star checked members

ive decided to do something for the ladies for a change.ladies im going to guess a number from 1 to 30, which ever of you ladies guess the right number i will fly you out to have a night of primative hot monkey sex with me. So all you beautiful porn babes take your guesses.


Closed Account
I'm gonna guess...number...32. That's right 32. Outside of your initial requirements, but I think I have the number that's going to take the winners slot. :rofl:
Ill guess 12, a potential for your age, number of replies to this thread and the number of I.Q points it took for you to conjur up this thread!
and here comes another thread for girls where guys are the ones replying.

so is it 23? :D
uhm, this contest is for official freeones star checked female members only,sorry. now please stop fucking my contest up or you guys are gonna blow it for me.
update; girls i will also throw in lunch(with a Mcflurry for dessert) as an added bonus.
i know that with the holidays and all that nina and priya and vicky and others are probably off shopping so i'll just give this a little bump so they dont miss it. im sure they will be happy to see this contest just for them, especially the prize!
23. If I win, though, I'll be bringing Chef and Senob along to complete the man wheel. :rubbel::rubbel::rubbel::rubbel:
okay. nina wins!!!! nina just pm me and i will tell you where we can meet up.its your choice Mcdonalds, burger king or kentucky fried.then off to the econolodge.
ok,what the fuck is going on! nina won the contest and has not yet claimed her prize. i already went out and bought new lingerie and pillow cases too!