Conspiracy Theory about the member above me...

Well, let it never be said that I don't know how to steal someone else's idea, repackage it and fob it off as my own..

So then..
what Conspiracy theory can you come up with, that involves the member above you?. :computer:


Closed Account
Is in league with BB and Mrs Jolly to negatively influence and corrupt young minds on this board with salacious references to the addictive material that draws vulnerable and lonely people here in the first place.

Knowing full well that young and inquisitive minds have looked up to them in the past, they set out to deliberately, slowly and with great cunning destroy all vestige of moral decency and intellectual understanding.

They were trained to do this when they visited a secret sect, meeting below Oxford University every full moon, where they all pore over ancient and dusty texts, mumbling dangerous enchantments to increase their own verbal usage and intellectual prowess.

It is also said they dissect cucumbers and place them between slices of bread.

Whether or not they add tomato sauce is still uncertain.
Is a member of the Holy Church of Bastet.

It is the ultimate goal of the HCoB to get rid of all dogs and to convert everyone to the HCoB. Since Bastet (& cats in general) have had some negative publicity (they were in league with witches according to the Catholic Church), they currently can't use Bastet's name openly & thus simply use the title God.

Proof that he's a member of the HCoB can be found all over the board. He obviously prefers cats and wants you to eat eggs (& what comes out of eggs when they hatch? Indeed, birds. And what do cats like to hunt/eat? Indeed, birds).

proof --->

He also wants you to go paragliding and/or parachuting, but 'forgets' to mention that you won't be able to take a lunchbox with you. This so that while you're up in the air you'll have nothing to eat but the birds flying around.

proof --->

Last but not least, he also promotes nets, so that fish can be caught, which cats consider to be a treat.

proof --->

All of this, just so you'll get more comfortable living as a cat and will understand cats better. Once you do, they'll convert you....

proof --->
I heard a story once when in the Army of a guy who gave a kitten to some dude in the Army, who threatened to beat him up if he if he gave another one (he already had a lot of cats).

Well, the guy gave another kitten. He got duly beaten up. Really hurt. Through the bubbles of blood as he lay on the floor he started to clean himself (cats do that a lot).

The attacker was so impressed that the person still cared for his personal hygiene, still believed what he professed, that he became a follower of Bastet.
<--- see?

that's a quote from Wainker himself. Of course, He never admitted being a follower himself, but where else that within the Church of Bastet will you hear such stories?

Be very careful....

(This is the best i could do... :o)
I'm pretty sure this qualifies as a conspiracy theory....

It is a known fact that cristianomt first came up with the concept drawing for Bart Simpson but got drunk and slept with Matt Groening's yogurt salesman.
Titsrock is secretly breeding a race of centaurs through his clandetine couplings with the USC Trojan horse.
I have information which suggests it was Bodie who introduced his pal, Mark Sanford, to various Argentinian women when they went on a little strip club tour of Buenos Aires last year....


Closed Account
Has been researching lesser known celebrities and other public figures to input secret code formulas into his posts. This has been going on for some time. He is with a secret criminal organisation set up by the NID in order to slowly introduce Aliens among us.

Each sentence contains a secret message that quietly subverts our thinking, preparing us for the day when they will arrive by the millions in their ships.

My sources tell me that Wainkerr invented a sexual move, called the peaknuckle, that EVERY CHICK HATES, but, for some reason, he continues to use it...


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
My sources tell me titsrock and his cronies have developed a program that splices into the Freeones videos images that read "go hug your kids," "drink milk," "go volunteer at the homeless shelter," and "bet on the Cowboys in this year's playoffs, they are due"
The member above me is actually MLB Hall of Famer Bob Feller, and even at his advanced age he'll still deck anybody who says Nolan Ryan was faster.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Bodie54 - he is giving away his plotting in his nickname and his avatar...

While searching for info about 'Bodie' and 'California', his sinsiter schemes were soon dragged to the light of day.

Bodie Ghosttown

This town may look dead, but he has 54 chambers of terror under the surface, from where he will ride with his Haunting Horsemen (Check his avatar!!!) to take over Cali when the Governator has ruined it.

Then Silicon Valley will get a whole new meaning!!!

Free DD-Cups for every girl :thumbsup:

And Neil Young will record the new anthem:

Keep on fucking in the free world :nanner:
SupaD is actually a real-life super hero, saving us all from disgrace (on FreeOnes!).


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I had to wait a few days, as busenbust surely is a fellow german member and I just HATE to ruin his evil schemes.

But let us check him out...

His profile tells us he is from Dallas. He is a massive fan of even bigger boobs.

So, is he from Germany, or is he just in contact with certain german influences?

I have snooped around a bit and caught him via Wikipedia :cool:

Read about the happenings on September 7th, 2008, the day before he decided to join FreeOnes Board WIKI Source

1. # Subprime mortgage crisis: The United States federal government places mortgage financing companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into conservatorship. The Federal Housing Finance Agency will manage the companies on a temporary basis. (Reuters)

2. # Kurt Beck, the chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany steps down. According to media reports, Frank Walter Steinmeier will become the candidate for Chancellor of Germany in the 2009 elections. (ARD German)

Ha! Got you, Double-B ^^

I say: He was a high manager in Fannie May (sic!) and tries to fool us now by switching from Fanny to Boobie! Now he wants to usurp the world of porn. An Kurt Beck, the poor, clumsy, misled fool was no match for his mastermind. So the current candidate, Steinmeier, is his partner in crime.

Steinmeier just told the press he will reach full employment the next years when he becomes chancellor. I believe he wants Germany to become the Fourth Reich, but this time we will go for a Porn Nation, and Busenbust will manage the US-leg.

That's all. :hatsoff:


Postal Paranoiac
I saw footage of him burning a cross on the front yard of Donny Osmond.
Maildude is a tranny, pre-op. Or so I've been told by my informants.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Hey Maildude, don't be sad anymore... I found your REAL family :hatsoff:

Here's your real family!

Your birthfather has worked for Southern Comfort Company, now he's in the Army - should have stayed with the booze maker :rofl:


Die For Me
Supadupafly has sticky hands from breaking into willy wonkas Chocolate factory, where he stole 800 kilograms of wonka bars to help him build a giant candy monster