Conservative States Spend Most on Porn!

Just shows you that conservatives are as big of hypicrites as people make them out to be.

Lets start here - What is it that you don't want the gov't to furnish ?

I can't believe what I am hearing from you, TR. You sound like a get up and go, independent and bright guy, that is when you're not talking about politics. :p
Socialism is for victims.

We already pay too much as it is for bottom barrel healthcare. Simply putting our collective heads in the sand is not going to bring down costs or improve quality. Socialized medicine works in every other industrialized country. No citizen from one of those countries would get rid of their system and adopt ours. Doesn't that tell you something:rolleyes: If America is so great, why are no other countries moving to our system of healthcare? Our military (funded through tax dollars) is the best. Why wouldn't our healthcare immediately become the best?

Capitalism was started because of middle class envy for the Aristocracy. You have it backwards, Facetious. Socialism is supposed to be *ACTUAL* freedom and liberty for all citizens, not the privileged elite.

No American citizen outside of the top 20% of wealth wants to see Medicare, Social Security "go away." Entitlements are never going away. We can start to fund these entitlements by reallocating our Defense Dept budget. No more wars. No more tanks and planes without any purpose or use.

Reaganomics outspent the Soviet Union AND the US into oblivion as it turns out.
^ Very true. I agree with you completely. It makes no sense why America doesn't have a universal health care system. Other countries are saving so much more money because of this. And the excuse people give is that it will cause waiting lines like in Canada. When actually they don't even know anybody from Canada. :rolleyes: But the thing is of course their would be longer waiting lines because everybody would have access to health care.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
LOL... The largest consumer of porn in the country is UTAH! So much for Mormon morality...

Utah is a pot of sexual lust. Most people don't know this, but the capital of Idaho, Boise, is actually short for it's original name, Boysemensuretastesdeliciousville. They changed the name for obvious reasons.
I think it is all relative. I consider myself an extreme fiscal and social conservative, yet I indulge in porn and promote it!

As far as the fucking bible bangers are concerned, that is just one aspect of conservatives. Please don't group all conservatives as swaying in the sky waiting for Jezus to heal us! Fuck that crap.
LOTS of people look at porn. Does it matter what their political leaning is?

And garrisonjj is right, the Christian Right is one small group of conservatives, and I'd bet that a lot of them partake of the porn as well.

And Chef, I did NOT know that about Boise. :hatsoff:

I think it is all relative. I consider myself an extreme fiscal and social conservative, yet I indulge in porn and promote it!

As far as the fucking bible bangers are concerned, that is just one aspect of conservatives. Please don't group all conservatives as swaying in the sky waiting for Jezus to heal us! Fuck that crap.

I would think that some would take that into account. Considering we are debating political issues on a PORN forum.

I am neither a Republican or Democrat. However, I love porn.

:dunno: go figure.