Connecticut gun laws among most strict in U.S.

Will E Worm

Connecticut gun laws among most strict in U.S.

Supporters and opponents alike of gun control will point to this fact in the coming days: Connecticut already has some of the toughest restrictions on gun laws in the United States.

For gun control supporters, the shooting at a Newtown elementary school will be one more piece of evidence that even stronger laws are needed, including at the national level.

"We have some of the strongest gun laws in the United States, but if you don't have strong federal gun laws, that makes it that much more difficult," said Ron Pinciaro, executive director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence.

But advocates for gun owners and sportsmen say that shows the law can only do so much.

"In general, the laws here are pretty strict, and they're working," said Bob Crook, executive director of the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen. "But I don't know of any law that would prevent someone like at Columbine or at Aurora or here in Connecticut from committing these offenses which are clearly psychologically based."

Connecticut's laws are strict by comparison to many other states, but they still fall short of what many gun control advocates want.

In 2011, Connecticut was rated the fifth toughest by the pro-gun control Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on a scorecard that gave points for each restriction the group favors.

But the state scored only 58 points out of a possible 100, below the 81 points of top state California but far ahead of most other U.S. states. Thirty-one states didn't even score in the double digits.

To buy a gun, Connecticut law requires residents to apply for a local permit, typically with the town's police chief, have their fingerprints taken and submit to a state and federal background check with a 14-day waiting period. To buy a handgun, residents also are required to take a gun safety course.

The state is also one of seven to have an assault weapons ban that specifically lists more than 35 semiautomatic and automatic weapons. It does not appear to cover the .223 caliber rifle found in the shooter's vehicle.

Pinciaro said the state weapons ban, which dates to 1994, did not go far enough because it did not include restrictions on high-capacity magazines, which allow users to fire dozens of shots before stopping to reload.

After the 2011 shooting in Arizona at a constituent event held by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Connecticut lawmakers proposed a restriction that would limit magazines to 10 rounds. But after hundreds of protesters showed up at the state capital for a hearing, the bill died in committee.

Crook said the restrictions would not stop people carrying out mass shootings such as the one Friday.

"Restricting the number of rounds in a magazine is not very smart," he said. "You can change a magazine in less than a second, so all you've got to do is carry more magazines."
Pinciaro said he wasn't sure if such a restriction would have helped in the Newtown shooting.

"It's hard to say, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it," he said.

Ultimately, gun control advocates say their best hope is Congress.

Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a gun control group started by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, noted that the vast majority of guns found in New York City crime scenes come from other states.

"We have some of the strongest gun laws in the country, but guns don't respect boundaries any more than criminals do," he said. "When one state has weak gun laws, that opens the floodgate of guns into the stream of commerce and they end up in communities in other states.

"That's a federal problem and it needs a federal solution," he said.


How's those gun laws working for you, Connecticut?

"That's a federal problem and it needs a federal solution," No, it is the State's problem.

"In general, the laws here are pretty strict, and they're working," said Bob Crook. No, they are not working. :facepalm:

Innocents Betrayed: The True Story of Gun Control Link

Some people feel safer if they can hang an addition charge around the killer's neck after the fact. Don't think this guy planned on showing up to court though. If 7 laws don't stop him then the eighth must assuredly do the trick.
Some people feel safer if they can hang an addition charge around the killer's neck after the fact. Don't think this guy planned on showing up to court though. If 7 laws don't stop him then the eighth must assuredly do the trick.
Seven laws didn't prevent him from doing it 'cause none of these laws prevented him from being able to do it. When you take the one right law, you can prevent these shootings but you gotta take that one law that would make it.
Oherwise, you can have 10.000 laws, they would be useless.

You can make laws to force rapists to take pills, to get psychological exams, etc... if you don't have the one law that would put these guys behind bars, they will rape some kids, soon or later.
Same goes for the guns and these kind of shootings : gun-free zones and all that shit won't stop a retarded guy from killing 18 kids if he can have reach his mother's guns and ammos. But if the law says the gun must be in a safe deposit box and the ammos must be stored separately, the guy won't gt his mother's gun and won't kill 18 kids.
Seven laws didn't prevent him from doing it 'cause none of these laws prevent him from being able to do it. When you take the right laws, you can prevent some crimes but you gotta take that one law that would make it. Oherwise, you can have 10.000 laws, they would be useless.

You can make laws to force rapists to take pills, to get psychological exams, etc... if you don't have the one law that would put these guys behind bars, they will rape some kids, soon or later.
Same goes for the guns and these kind of shootings : gun-free zones and all that shit won't stop a retarded guy from killing 18 kids if he can have reach his mother's guns and ammos. But if the law says the gun must be in a safe deposit box and the ammos must be stored separately, the guy won't gt his mother's gun and won't kill 18 kids.

Would those laws require me to store my gun and ammo separately in my own home as well?

Are you OK with ownership of semi-automatics?
Are you OK with ownership of semi-automatics?
Since I'm not interested in weapons I'm not entirely sure of the difference between automatics and semi automatics.
I think weapon that can fire multiple times/sec. with only one hit on the trigger should be banned.
One hit on the trigger = one shot are the only guns that should be allowed. This way, it would be impossible to randomly shoot 100 shots within less than 10 sec.
Since I'm not interested in weapons I'm not entirely sure of the difference between automatics and semi automatics.
I think weapon that can fire multiple times/sec. with only one hit on the trigger should be banned.
One hit on the trigger = one shot are the only guns that should be allowed. This way, it would be impossible to randomly shoot 100 shots within less than 10 sec.

Semi-autos not only shoot faster but reload quicker. In the proper hands a revolver can be almost as fast with speed-loaders.

My worry is first you ban assault weapons then the gun control people go down the line trying to get rid of as much as they can. Semi-autos, even with limited 10 round mags, will be next on the chopping block.

I know you want peace as I do as well. I completely respect that. We all want a better World and Country to be a part of.
My worry is first you ban assault weapons then the gun control people go down the line trying to get rid of as much as they can. Semi-autos, even with limited 10 round mags, will be next on the chopping block.
If you're argument is "let's not ban this 'cause if we ban this, that could be the next thing". I can't agree with such an argument.
"Let's not ban drugs 'cause cigarettes could be the next thing."
See what I mean ?
If you're argument is "let's not ban this 'cause if we ban this, that could be the next thing". I can't agree with such an argument.
"Let's not ban drugs 'cause cigarettes could be the next thing."
See what I mean ?

I see what you mean. I wasn't expecting us to agree in the end. The discussion was respectful though. Thank you.
To buy a gun, Connecticut law requires residents to apply for a local permit, typically with the town's police chief, have their fingerprints taken and submit to a state and federal background check with a 14-day waiting period. To buy a handgun, residents also are required to take a gun safety course.
As long as the gun won't be stored in a safe deposit box, everyone in the house of the owner would have access to the gun
What's the point of having the buyer's fingerprints, background check, etc. if the retarded son can take the gun when the owner's not looking at him ?
Chicago’s Murders for 2012 Likely to Exceed 2011

The number of murders in Chicago is on track to exceed last year’s number by at least 16 percent, crime data show.

Some weekends in the City With the Big Shoulders are violent to the extreme, with as many as 10 murders and dozens of shootings.

Chicago is on track to reach 504 murders, or about 42 murders per month if the trend continues through 2012. By June of this year, the New York Times reported last month, the city’s number of murders had jumped 39 percent over what they were last year at the same time.

The 2012 Figures

According to, which tracks the monthly number of murders, 294 persons have been murdered as of July 23. Thus far in July, 37 have been murdered.

Starting with 40 murders in January, the numbers fluctuated but barely dipped below one murder per day, with 28 in February, 50 in March, 41 in April, 51 in May, and 47 in June.

In June, the New York Times reported that Chicago’s violence is increasing, and described the first chore of leftist Mayor Rahm Emanuel each morning: “Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s first reading material each morning, at 5:30, is not a budget update, a legislative proposal or a packet of headlines.”

It is an e-mail from the Chicago Police Department listing the crimes that were committed during the night that just ended. By 7 a.m., he is calling Garry F. McCarthy, the police superintendent. That is unlikely to be their final conversation of the day, or even of the morning.

The Times delivered the grim news in paragraph two: “Homicides are up by 38 percent from a year ago, and shootings have increased as well, even as killings have held steady or dropped in New York, Los Angeles and some other cities. As of June 17, 240 people had been killed here this year, mostly in shootings, 66 more deaths than occurred in the same period in 2011” the newspaper reported.

Despite the numbers, the Times noted, murders have “dropped precipitously in Chicago since the 1990s.”

In 1991, Chicago Police data show, 943 persons were murdered, up 1.6 percent from 1990. That’s 2.58 murders per day. From there, the city seemed to stanch some of the bloodshed. The number of murders dropped to 855 the next year, but rose again nearly 9 percent to 931 in 1994. The number of murders dropped to a more manageable 633 in 2000 (less than two murders per day), rising to 667 in 2001. By 2007, the number had dropped to 448, rising to 513 in 2008 and landing at 433 in 2011.

Chicago is a dangerous place. At least one person a day is murdered.

Taking note of the drop in murders over the years, the Times detailed trends in other major cities. “Homicides are down so far this year in New York and in Los Angeles, a fact that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s administration in New York has pointed to in defense of that city’s controversial stop-and-frisk program,” the newspaper reported.

But Chicago is not alone among major cities dealing with more killings. In Philadelphia, for instance, 173 homicides were reported as of June 20, compared with 143 in the same period last year.

Weekends Of Mayhem, Blacks Are Dying

During the past year, murderous violence swept over the city in waves of shocking brutality. On Friday and Saturday, the Chicago Tribune reported, three were killed and 22 shot in gunfire across the city. The article describes a veritable war zone. The newspapers and television stations have become diaries of murder, bloodshed, and violence, most of it gang related.

Before last weekend, the body count was at least 42 dead and 188 wounded just for July 4 and five other weekends of gunfire from February through May.

Aside from turning Chicago into a charnel house, the gunplay also affects one group more than any other: blacks.

According to the Chicago Tribune, “Violent crime has long afflicted minorities in Chicago at a much higher rate than the rest of the population, and the spike in homicides in the first half of this year provides an especially stark measure: 201 of the 259 homicide victims were African-American.”

While blacks make up about 33 percent of the city's population, they accounted for nearly 78 percent of the homicide victims through the first six months of 2012.

By comparison, just 11 homicide victims in the first six months of the year were white, and 44 were Hispanic, according to police data.

The newspaper reported that most violent crime occurs in black neighborhoods, and that “a majority of both homicide victims and offenders are young black men with criminal records. With one exception, African-Americans have made up more than 70 percent of homicide victims in Chicago every year for the last two decades.”

The newspaper also reported that about 75 percent of the victims were boys or men aged 15 to 35, and that 143 of the victims were gang members or had gang affiliations. And 133 of those had arrest records.

Of the 44 Hispanic victims, 27 were males ages 15 to 35 and had arrest histories, according to the data. Three of the 11 white victims were males in that age range with arrest histories.

Data Nothing New

The data from Chicago reprise what libertarian columnist Walter Williams, who writes frequently about race and crime, disclosed about crime in black communities: blacks suffer the most.

In his column entitled “Should Black People Tolerate This,” Williams, a black man, reprised the grim numbers, noting that life in a major American city is more dangerous for a young black man than a tour of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan.

“Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered,” he wrote.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims. Using the 94 percent figure means that 262,621 were murdered by other blacks. Though blacks are 13 percent of the nation’s population, they account for more than 50 percent of homicide victims. Nationally, black homicide victimization rate is six times that of whites, and in some cities, it's 22 times that of whites. Coupled with being most of the nation’s homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes, such as assault and robbery.

Williams also denounced the silence of so-called civil rights leaders, who refuse to discuss the problem. He also criticized them for their “silence and concealment about black racist attacks” on whites and Asians, citing the “attacks on two Virginian-Pilot newspaper reporters set upon and beaten by a mob of young blacks.”

The story wasn’t even covered by their own newspaper. In March, a black mob assaulted, knocked unconscious, disrobed and robbed a white tourist in downtown Baltimore. Black mobs have roamed the streets of Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Cleveland, Washington, Los Angeles and other cities, making unprovoked attacks on whites and running off with their belongings.

Racist attacks have been against not only whites but also Asians.

Williams hammered black leaders from President Obama on down for “racial demagoguery.”

Williams is obviously correct. Blacks are exploited by other blacks and liberal politicians to build political power; blacks are treated as a "victim group" to get them to buy into a political ideology; blacks have been the victims of political policies that demean them and keep them poor; blacks are victims of crime from other blacks because of the societal rot engendered by these liberal policies. And if the same thing happened to any other race, would things be any different? If whites were led to believe they were being held down by another more populous race and laws were put into place, such as welfare laws that pay more to women who have children but no husband, that had the function of destroying two-parent families, morality, and work ethic, wouldn't whites be where blacks are now? The answer is obviously yes.

So.... you anti-gun people still wanting to blame the guns for society's lack of moral behavior?
"Despite the numbers, the Times noted, murders have “dropped precipitously in Chicago since the 1990s.” WHAT!!!!!!!!

Taking note of the drop in murders over the years, the Times detailed trends in other major cities. “Homicides are down so far this year in New York" WHAT!!!!!!
It would take an amendment to the Constitution to get firearms banned in this country and we have trouble getting enough votes to fund our government.

Will E Worm

US Government Involved in Program to Break Down Cohesive Aspects of Society

Gordon Duff the senior editor of Veterans Today recently wrote an article called: "Con Job: Mass Shootings and Pattern Recognition." In a phone interview with Press TV's U.S. Desk on Tuesday, he expanded on his article and the recent shooting in Aurora, Colorado.

Duff said, "This week in Aurora Colorado there was this shooting. A young man shot a number of people in a movie theater. The country is in a panic. People are looking at each other with suspicion. It isn't because of this one shooting. It is because we've had shootings and bombings for twelve years."

Duff continued, "The U.S. government uses software that does pattern recognition. It is patterned with algorithms. It examines news items. It looks for similar occurrences and it points fingers at particular causes. The earliest version of that software was 'PROMIS'. The newer version is the highly secret 'Planitir'. It's capable of almost anything ... fixing problems. What it's not recognizing and what we are not being told is very simple."

Duff concluded, "We are seeing a pattern behavior that indicates that the U.S. government is involved in a program, clearly involved in a program to break down the cohesive aspects of U.S. society. To make people complacent, fearful, to feel separated, to feel dependent, to not question the government at all. We are being socially engineered through acts of violence and pattern recognitions software should be proving to many people and many people have access to this, that these incidents and it's not a few, I can go on for hours talking about them, there are so many of them and they have so many of the same characteristics that many of them, not all, but many are being perpetrated by our own government."


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Well, if Gordon Duff says it's so, then it must be so .... all hail 'The Duff' ... who can argue with a guy who when not helming an online unaffiliated E-Zine also sits on the board of an Energy corporation (Adamus Group - , one of the world's largest energy technology firms) and, also, to quote his own resume 'a private financial institution participating in the Federal Reserve Banking group'.

Forgive my memory loss, but aren't these kind of shadowy financial/energy agitator types Will normally rails against?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Who knows what Will stands for these days. He even defended Adolf Hitler.